Pay it Forward {Think About It}

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This weeks Topic
How do you Pay it Forward?
 I love this ad from Liberty Mutual.
5 Ways You can Pay It Forward Today
  1. Take your neighbors trash to the curb, so they don’t forget, or rush out in their jammies. This was me on so many occasions. Periodically someone would have already done it for me, and I was always so grateful.
  2. Pay for the person behind you. In the grocery store, at the drive through, getting gas. It doesn’t matter how small or large, it helps.
  3. Help a mom get her groceries and kids to the car.
  4. Make a double dinner batch, and take some to a neighbor, new mom, elderly friend.
  5. Write a Thank You note to someone in your community.
These are all simple ways that you can pay it forward, and inspire others to pay it forward. It sets an example for our children, and honesly makes the world a better place. If we all did acts of kindness like this, we just might get to World Peace that we all want.
Now it’s your turn. Join us for Think About It Thursday. Grab the button, and link up any post that makes us think!


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