Halloween is Coming – Wholesale Costumes {Review}

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I love Halloween time. It means fall has come and the holiday season has begun. It means pumpkins and apple cider and dressing up.

When I was a kid, I tended to go for most creative costume. Often times I was a witch, but when I branched out, it was really crazy!  One year I went as a shower. Yes you read that right, a shower. Man I wish I had pictures of that.  Another year my best friend and I went as Mom’s – apron, duster, and head bandanna were our costumes.  There were also the years I was a crow and pack of pea seeds.

I kind of miss dressing up. I know I know, I still can, but I rarely do.  I do get to dress up the kids though. And that is so much fun!  I have let them decide their costumes, though, so the crazy creations I came up with won’t embarrass them. 

With all three Princesses crowding around me, we went browsing for Halloween Costumes for the girls.  Princess V picked the last costume we got, so I really let Princess C take charge this time.  We decided to go with one of our favorite cartoon characters – Strawberry Shortcake. 


Our first impression was great! It comes packaged like any other Halloween Costume you buy at the store. Once opened though, I was a little concerned about the size. We ordered a small, after checking out the handy sizing chart offered on their site. I wanted to make sure it fit Princess C, and could then be passed to Princess R. After Princess C tried it on, we realized quickly, it was not going to fit her. She is on the upper size for her age, but I was still hoping. The leggings and hat, were actually perfect for her, but the dress itself was closer to the smallest size. 
So after I let her wear it for awhile, we handed it over to Princess R. Oh my heavens! I didn’t think I’d ever get that dress off her. I think she wore it for a straight 48 hours, only taking it off to sleep.  This dress will last her a couple years!
We experienced a couple snags in the silky fabric, but I’m sure it’s from Princess C stretching it out.  It has held up extremely well to the abuse Princess R puts it through pulling it on and off, and running all over the place.
You can check out more Wholesale Halloween Costumes, and find something fun before the holidays hit.
*As a Costume Reviewer affiliate I received a free product to facilitate this review. All opinions are 100% my own and honest feelings.

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