Book Review: The 58th Keeper
- Adelina
- December 29, 2011
Title: The 58th Keeper Author: R.G Bullet Middle Grade Readers Synopsis from Goodreads “The 58th Keeper is the story of a boy called Archy Bass, who stumbles upon a mysterious and powerful relic. The moment he touches it, two warring forces race to find his whereabouts. One side thinks he’s simply too young and too […]
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POM POMS Fresh Arils review
- Adelina
- December 29, 2011
If you were to ask me my favorite fruit it would be pomegranates. I love when winter comes around because it means fresh pomegranates at the grocery store. I have to have at least one pomegranate each year. The biggest problem with pomegranates though are peeling them. It’s not like your normal fruit. The part […]
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