The Reckoning By Jason D Morrow {Book Review}

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The Reckoning
Book 3 in the Marenon Chronicles
by Jason D Morrow
About the Book: Held in a dark cell in the heart of Mudavé, Silas Ainsley, the Deliverer of Marenon, meets a new enemy: the Possessor. Silas knows it won’t be long before the Stühocs try to kill him, or worse, turn him into an enemy against the very people he is meant to help.
Julian Hobbes has left the throne in Farlaweer in search of the last two medallions of power, knowing that once he has all six, he will be able to use the ultimate weapon against the Stühocs.
With three of the Dunarian council members dead, the Stühoc king, Anithistor, has charged Alric Thirsk with the task of finally destroying the Dunarians for good by killing their leader, Kaden Osric. If Alric fails, his friends will suffer a most torturous fate.
Though the Stuhocs are winning the war, Silas has a dream about a man in Mudavé who claims he can help Silas defeat Anithistor and the Possessor. That man also claims to be Silas’ father
About the Author:  My name is Jason D. Morrow and I currently live and teach English with my wife
Emily in Gwangju, South Korea.
The past few years have been a wild ride.
Going to college, it took me a better part of two years to figure out what I
wanted to do. I knew I wanted to write. I knew I wanted to be a novelist since I
was a child, but I just couldn’t bring myself to finish a manuscript. I started
and stopped several novels in college. I took a creative writing class where all
I learned was that other people like the stories that I write. If anything it
was an encouragement.
Then one day, in the middle of one of my political
science classes, the land of Marenon was born. Characters, locations, plots…
all were forming everyday in almost every class. I knew I should have been
paying attention, but Marenon needed me.
I had to pick a major at some
point, so I chose journalism, because I loved to write. It was fun for a while.
I had good internships and a good editor spot with the university newspaper, but
it all got in the way of fiction. Marenon would have to wait.
I fell in
love with the woman who is now my wife. I graduated college. I moved to Georgia
to work for a newspaper. There was no time for fiction.
About six months
into my job at the newspaper, Emily and I got scared. We looked at each other,
knowing we didn’t want to get stuck in that small town with student loan bills
towering over us. We then decided to make the move to South Korea and teach
It has been an adventure. There is so much to see and a new
culture to get accustomed to, but it also allowed for a lot more free time.
That’s when I came back to Marenon. That’s how The Deliverer was finally
finished. Between teaching English classes, I would type at the computer. I
would go home and type. I would just keep typing. No matter what the
discouragement, I was going to finish The Deliverer.
And I did.

It was one of the most rewarding experiences to see the book in its
final state. My cover artist (Jen Lee) did a fantastic job, my editors, (my wife
Emily, my mother-in-law Kathy, and my sister-in-law Beth) all came through for
Now The Marenon Chronicles is complete, but that doesn’t mean there
won’t be more Marenon in the future.
I plan to make so many more books
for you the reader. I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head that I can’t
wait to get them down into a completed manuscript. Be sure to sign up for the
mailing list to receive updates of when new books are released.
couldn’t have done any of this without my Creator, my wife, friends, family, and
of course… you.
My Thoughts:  I need to start this with a Big Thank You to Jason for allowing me to review the Chronicles of Marenon trilogy.  You can read my reviews for Book 1 and Book 2 by following those links.
When Book 3 arrived on my doorstep, I couldn’t wait to dive right in.  I wanted to be back in Marenon, with the Dunarians, Erellens, and Stuhocs. I’m going to try and not give any spoilers here, because you just need to go read it yourself.  I think what I really loved about Book 3 was that we got more backstory on the sleepers, Judoc, and the Stuhocs. Finding out where they came from really helped in bringing the whole story together. The ending though, completely took me by surprise! I didn’t expect the Sleeper Damon to be who he was.  I loved the book ending though.  There was just enough sadness to make it realistic (in a fictional sense of real). 
Jason has done a wonderful job at creating a new world alongside this world we call Earth.  It has been an absolute joy to read.  I will be on the lookout for more books by Jason D Morrow.  You can too by following him on his BLOG or twitter or Facebook.
You can purchase the book on  Amazon

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