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So here’s a little update for you all – back in January I made a resolution. One big important resolution that I decided was my ultimate goal for the year. Everything else would just be on the side. What was that goal you ask? Here’s a little hint – Hallmark’s helping me achieve it!
My ULTIMATE Resolution this year has been to reconnect with my family, mainly my siblings. As we’ve all grown up and flown the coop, we’ve also lost touch with each other. Not completely out of touch, but enough that I haven’t felt I really know my siblings anymore. When I think back on our childhood, it makes me cry a little on the inside to see how out of touch we are now.
So the goal has been made…it’s now May….and I’m not doing so swimmingly. With May however, comes Mother’s Day and two of my siblings’ birthdays! Big Brother Nate, and little sis Megan. Since I don’t feel I know what they like anymore, it makes sending a birthday gift a bit more difficult. Sure sure I could call them up…but well….it’s been awhile. Actually little sis Megan has been in more touch lately, she even helped edit this post.
Trying to reconnect with people you once were really close to can be hard. Harder than I thought it would be at least. It could just be my personality – a little more reserved, thoughtful, and a dislike for talking on phones – or it could be the large distance separating some of us. Either way, I thought the best place to start my reconnection was with a good old #TBT(that’s Throwback Thursday for the non hash tag users).
As I started reliving a bunch of memories from my photos, an idea began forming. The best way to begin a reconnection, is with our old connection. We are siblings after all with plenty of memories to share. So I headed to my scrapbooks and old photo albums, had a couple kids join me, and we looked through those captured memories. I pulled out a couple of my absolute favorites featuring Little Sis and my Mom, then headed out to Walmart’s photo lab to make copies.
Before we made it to the photo lab, we stopped to grab some Hallmark Cards. I knew they would have exactly what I needed to rekindle these important connections, and I was right. Of course with Mothers Day this past weekend, it was easy to find one of those for my mom – finding the right one for little sis Megan took a bit more searching…and possibly a shattered “cupcake bank” by a 4 year old… I knew though as soon as I had it, that it was THE card for her.
We then headed over to the photo lab to get the photo’s copied, but when I got there….my ideas changed and morphed because guess what?! You can actually print more than just photos…I almost got little sis a canvas, but decided to go with a mounted picture instead. Since she’s in college and all, I just figured it would be a better choice for her living situation. I was just thrilled I could get it all done within a few minutes, and have the mounted photo in my hands as I walked out.
My mom’s gift I decided to make a #TBT display of her photo’s. The card I found for her mentions the memories and things a mom does. It fit so in line with all the memories shared in the picture display. Here’s a quick run down of this super simple craft you can make for anyone, anytime of the year!
Supplies you’ll need:
- poster paper
- scrapbook paper
- 4×6 photos (3×5 would also work)
- poster board
- glue stick
- other stickers, glitter, embellishments as desired
Cut a strip of the poster paper 6 inches deep down the longest side of the paper. Then fold it accordion style every 6 inches. You should now have a 6×6 inch square accordion folds. Cover each square in a different color scrapbook paper that looks good to you.
Cut a 6×6 inch square out of the poster board. glue this to the front end of your accordion book. Decorate how you will. On the inside of your book you can now attach the photo’s in any way you choose to create a fun display full of memories.
I’m so excited with how these turned out, that I can’t wait to send little sis Megan her birthday present this week! I just know she’s going to love the card, hopefully she’ll wear the button…and the photo is one she told me she loves of us together. She doesn’t remember Dad taking the photo, but I do. It was a good memory indeed.
Mom got her card and #TBT photo display already, and loved it. Looking through old memories, and then thinking of all the new ones we still get to make – that is what I’m striving for. Of course, Hallmark’s going to help us make some of those memories, because did you know there is a Hallmark Card Rewards Program?
Hallmark Card Rewards Program
For every 5 Hallmark cards you purchase you can earn a reward! Just make sure you “redeem” each card before you send it out – Hey Mom, I’m going to come by and grab the UPC off your card, OK?
Take a look at some of the current rewards you can earn!
Take a look at some of the current rewards you can earn!
Make sure you check out http://www.connectionsfromhallmark.com/?utm_source=cbias&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=momday to sign up for Hallmark Rewards, and to see great content from other bloggers. Join in the #ConnectingFriends conversation on Twitter!
Those are great ideas! I bet they loved their gifts. Thanks for sharing. #client