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April 19, 2012
Date:April 19 Only
The Event: Fill up your Kindle and get your children reading this summer with these 15books, free on Kindle only on April 19 during the Give Your Child A Free Kindle Book (or 15 of Them!) Promotion. The list includes picture books,middle grade novels, and young adult books spanning a range of topics from sports, to paranormal, to historical, to educational. Selected books include the Florida Historical Society’s Best Children’s book of its year, books that have been recommended in Best Books for Young Teen Readers Grades 7-10 and an edition of Children’s Book of the Year compiled by the Child Study Children’s Book Committee in New York City, and a finalist in the Valley Forge Romance Writers Sheila contest and in the Florida Romance Writers Golden Palm contest.
Belgrave House has also offered a 16th bonus book, an Agatha-awarding winning novel,which will be free on that day and can be downloaded in the e-book format of your choice.
The authors in the promotion have been published by houses such as Scholastic, Dell, Harper Collins, Simon Pulse, Avon, E.P. Dutton, Millbrook, Lerner, and St.Martin’s Minotaur, and have written for Broadway, to name a few of their accomplishments. Don’t miss this one-day exclusive offer to give your child an e-book (or many e-books!) Adult readers will find much to enjoy on this list also.
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