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I absolutely love discovering new music. When people ask me “What’s your favorite music to listen to?” I can’t give them an answer. I have a wide variety of music I love to listen to – from Frank Sinatra to The Beach Boys.
2013 was a fun year of music discovery for me. I’m not big on iTunes because I generally prefer listening to the radio or Pandora for free and where I can get a complete variety of music. If you recall though, this last year I had the opportunity to attend an Inspire My Life event featuring some talented musicians, and speakers. They put me back on the path to search out newer and more inspiring music. I have really enjoyed following some of these artists on facebook and YouTube. Hopefully you’ll find someone new to listen to from my list.
1. The Piano Guys. Honestly I think I found them before 2013, but they are my #1 favorite music videos to watch. If you haven’t watched any of their videos yet, please do. They are not just talented, but extremely creative!
2. Charley Jenkins. I love country music. Charley is a fun entertainer, and his music really tells country life like it is. Although I got to see Charley perform live, I was sad when I just missed him coming down to Gunnison for the 24th of July (Utah’s Pioneer Day). It was about the same time we were trying to move, so I had to skip out.
3. Hudson Lights. You may remember the review I wrote for this new male quartet <–follow the link if you missed it. You can watch their music video for Call Me Maybe at that link. It’s definitely my favorite version of Call Me Maybe that’s come out this year.
4. Katherine Nelson. She has a beautiful voice. Her songs reach out to women and encourage them to keep going forward, even when life’s been tough. Listen to her song Beautiful if you’re feeling down and need a little pick me up.
5. Lindsey Stirling. OK I admit, I actually just listened to her last night, but I’ve heard the name before. As a former violinist myself, I’m in awe. Playing the violin while dancing around, really spinning, takes some amazing talent to not lose any quality of sound.
Adelina You Amaze Me! you are so eloquent and Honest in your posts. I know that this past year has not been an easy one for any of us, but you always found the positive side of things. You are so right about Music! Music soothes the soul and brings smiles to your face. Thank you for sharing your life and insight with us!
that stirling girl is one of my all time favs man!! she is incredible and a total geek at heart so even better in my mind. She always makes me feel like going on some adventure i have no idea why lol