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Pregnancy is an exciting time, but there are several tasks to take care of before bringing your little bundle of joy home. So here are some of the most important things you will want to handle ahead of time. When you are ready before the birth of your child, you will enjoy the final weeks of pregnancy more and be more relaxes when it’s time to deliver your sweet baby.
Baby Clothes and Bedding
You know how important it is to have the crib and changing table for your baby, but you also need a collection of clothing and bedding. Multiple sets of sheets and changing pad covers should be on hand because they will be changed often, and so take the time and wash all bedding and clothing in a safe, gentle detergent like Dreft to protect your baby’s skin.
Hygiene and Diapers
Babies go through an incredible amount of diapers, so if you are going to use disposable diapers, you can start stocking up on a range of sizes before the baby arrives, but if you choose cloth diapers, you can make arrangements with the cleaning agency before the big day. Other items you should have on hand include tear-free shampoo, body soap, the baby bathtub, hairbrush, baby nail clippers and some soothing baby body lotion with lavender to help fussy babies relax.
The Full Nursery
You want your little one to have a beautiful, welcoming nursery, and that includes having the nursery painted, but paint fumes can be harmful to your little one, so the room should be painted a few weeks ahead of time. The fumes can also be harmful to pregnant women, you should also avoid the fumes (and stress) by hiring a professional, like a Boulder painting contractor, to paint the nursery.
Set up the Kitchen
With the nursery painted and decorated, clothing in the dressers and hygiene supplies in the bathroom, it’s time to turn your thoughts to the kitchen. Even if you are breastfeeding your child, you may still require special equipment for pumping and storing the milk, but if you are not breastfeeding, you will have bottles to sterilize, as well as liners and nipples. Organize the baby feeding supplies in your kitchen by finding space in the cabinets and setting out any special washing or drying racks.
Once the baby is born, you won’t have much extra time for setting up the nursery, washing all the clothes and finding space for bottles in the kitchen, so take care of these chores now to ensure that your baby’s room is ready for your little arrival. You will be able to relax during the final days of your pregnancy and the first few days that you are home with your baby.
Author Bio
Melisa Cammack is the mother of three, soon to be four, is an interior design enthusiast, and hopes to soon be a published book author.