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The great part is that it’s really easy to add some color, and it doesn’t have to be expensive either. I used what I had on hand, along with some flowers I received for Mothers Day to put together this bright little piece for my porch.
A colorful bucket
flowers, or flower seeds
Moisture Control Potting Mix
a little backyard dirt
Next fill your bucket halfway with the Potting Mix. If you are repotting flowers make a small well and transfer the flowers to your bucket. Top off with a little more potting mix, and some backyard dirt. Water the flowers, then sit back and enjoy your little splash of color.
Don’t worry if the flowers are looking a little wilted when first planted. With Miracle Gro’s potting soil, a little sun wand water, and the flowers will perk right back up.
For more fun garden projects, visit Miracle Gro’s Pinterest page. Then get out and grow something!
I really need to get on my deck planting this year… oi I just keep putting it off and I really need potting soil.
I gave up gardening about a year ago because everything died. Maybe I should have used Miracle Gro 🙂