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This weekend I would like to invite you to come listen, and learn more about my religion and who I am the core. Twice a year we gather as a church to listen to our leaders – people we believe have been ordained with the holy Priesthood from God. I personally have a strong testimony of their calling as a prophet, seer and revelator.
For 8 hours I will sit with my kids, parents and sisters as we tune into the televised broadcast of General Conference. It seems like a lot I know, but I invite all of you, if you have a moment during your days this Saturday or Sunday to visit lds.org where you can watch the conference live. Even if you only watch a single talk, or listen to one of the hymns sung, I promise if you come with a desire to really understand who Mormon’s are, I promise you’ll feel something.
To prepare myself spiritually to listen to our leaders, I have been re-listening to past conferences online as well. This particular quote stuck out to me this week as I was listening again to the amazing talks. I don’t recall hearing it last April, so I was glad I took the time to listen again.
I hope we may all seek acceptance from those who encourage us, motivate us, and see the best in us. This is just a small sampling of some of the wonderful things I will be listening to this weekend.
We are a worldwide church, so this broadcast is available in many different forms to reach everyone. There is a list here of all the different ways you can view this conference.