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Awhile ago I feature my bloggy friend Eschelle from Mumfection. Today I’m pleased to tell you more about another Bloggy friend Angi! We’ve connected through Blogelina’s facebook buddy groups, and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know her.
Keep reading to get a fun look at Angi, and then visit Tim and Angi’s blog for some great content!
About Tim and Angi’s Blog
Tim And Angi’s Blog is written by a mom and dad team. They live in a small country town in southern New Mexico with their two boys and two dogs. When Angi’s not blogging, she designs websites and print material. Tim works from home as a technical support agent. If that’s not enough to keep them busy, they also homeschool their boys.
1) If you were to re-live one moment in your life up to this point, what moment would that be?
I’m not sure if I’d want to re-live any particular moment as I’ve had many great moments. If I had to narrow it down, I’m sure it would be one of the firsts; first solo birthday party (my brother and I shared a party for many many years), first fight with a friend, first crush, first kiss, first baby kicks inside my tummy, first steps of the boys, or any one of a million other firsts in my life.
2) Funniest poop story… I know you have them.
I don’t actually have one. I’ve never walked around unknowingly with poop on my clothes. I’ve never seen poop just peeking out the top of a diaper. I’ve never sat in a restaurant with a little guy who’s grunting out a special surprise. Or maybe my mommy brain ate those stories.
3) What’s your favorite blog post you’ve written? link please!
Corn Dogs, Beef Jerky And a Sprinkle of Rain ( http://wp.me/pQxgf-F2 ) After writing about our trip to the county fair, I was surprised that a title came so easily. I had the post as private for a long time but recently removed the private status because it’s such a great post. Since it was private, there are no images breaking up the text. Maybe I should add some? Hmm…
4) What are your hobbies?
I usually try to turn my hobbies into a job so I can do what I enjoy. That’s why I design websites and print material. It’s why I blog. It’s why I read. It’s why we homeschool.
5) What household chore do you absolutely hate doing?
All of them. LOL. I would love to have a maid that just did it all but if I had to narrow it down to one, I’d say keeping the floors clean.
6) What story does your family always tell about you?
When I lifted a boy off the ground by his t-shirt. I was a 12 and this 9 year old boy was picking on my friend’s 7 year old brother. I told the 9 year old that he’d better straighten up or go home. He decided to grab my arm and twisted it as far around as my arm would go. I grabbed his shirt with that same arm, lifted him off the ground, and calmly told him that if I ever saw within 4 houses of mine, he would regret it. Thankfully, he heeded my warning and stayed away. I did pay for the incident with a very sore arm for a couple days but it was worth it to keep a bully away.
Thanks Angi for being my online bloggy friend!