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Did you ever wear Bell Bottom pants? I remember in middle school I had some pretty big bell bottoms! I just loved the flair they gave to the bottom of my pants.
When ever we think of Back to School, we think of School Shopping, right? All those new clothes, new fashions, latest trends. Not to mention that kids grow like weeds, and there’s no stopping them.
Buti-bag has added a new product, that is a fun way to add fashion and length to the bottom of your kids pants – Belle Bottoms. And just in time for Back to School! Here at our house, we are always handing down clothes. We’ve got 3 Princesses, all really close in age. When the oldest grows out of her clothes, we pass it down the line. I love that we can reuse these clothes, because quite frankly, clothes are getting expensive.
We were sent a pair of Belle bottoms to try out as part of MomPact’s Back to School Promotion.
Princess V loved the idea! She went on a search for the perfect pair of pants to add them to, and then sat and helped me apply them. We love that these are iron on, so new sewing machine is required. I did have a slight struggle getting them positioned correctly, and although I did read the instructions, I missed that they are leg specific. So mine are on the wrong leg, but unless you look closely, it really doesn’t matter.
The real issue we had was when it came time to wear them. Princess V decided that she wanted the pants, but didn’t actually want to wear them. Princess C really wanted to wear them, but Princess V didn’t want to give them up. Oh that was a fun struggle. Princess C at one point was found crying that “sister broke my heart, because she won’t share the pink pants!” Awe! The particular pants we used are between sizes for Princess V and Princess C. Adding the Belle Bottom, gave it little more length, so it could still fit Princess V longer. It wasn’t too much length though, so it will also fit Princess C, but last longer for her.
We finally settled on letting Princess C wear them, while assuring Princess V that they wouldn’t be hers forever. Phew, an agreement we can all agree on. Princess C is absolutely loving the new flair to the pants!
You can check out more of the products on Buti Bag’s facebook page or follow them on twitter
*I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mompact and received a promotional item to thank me for my participation
I wish they had these when I was a kid. I remember being taunted, "High waters, high waters, tell us when the flood's coming." Because my mom could not keep up with how quickly I grew out of the length of my pants.
These are a great idea! When I first started reading, I wondered if you would have to mail them your jeans to have them attached – I love the iron-on aspect. I wonder how they will hold up in the wash. Let me know so I can recommend them to parents here in Japan.