Before Summer Says Goodbye {Guest Post}

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Summer… it seems like it takes forever to get here and is over in the blink of an eye! And August is summer’s last hurrah. But, fear not, there’s still time to squeeze in some super fantastic summer activities.

1) Wish Upon a Star… Each August, Mother Nature treats us to a sky show in the form of the Perseids meteor shower. Perseids will peak this year on the night of August 11, and at the peak it’s possible that you might see dozens of meteors an hour. For more information and tips on enjoying the show, check out StarDate. And, if you miss Perseids, you can always catch the Orionids meteor show in late October.

2) Fun at the Fair… Nothing says summer quite like a county fair. Usually, for the price of parking you can enjoy a variety of animal exhibits and crafts displays. Many fairs also have free events ranging from concerts to circus performances. If you happened to miss your county fair check out neighboring counties for an inexpensive day your kids are sure to enjoy!

3) Fresh fruits and veggies… August, at least in our neck-of-the-woods, is the time when harvests start rolling in. Right now out in our garden the tomatoes are getting red, the peppers are getting fat, and before long we’ll have raspberries. If you don’t have a garden of your own (or even if you do) you can pick farm fresh fruits and veggies to enjoy now, or save for winter. Visit to find a farm near you. If you don’t find anything in your area, you can always visit your local farmers’ market.

4) Under a Blue Moon… August 31 is blue moon. When a month has two full moons, the second one is referred to as a blue moon. And while the moon won’t actually be blue that night, it’ll light up the sky and offer a great opportunity for a walk under the moonlight. Grab a jacket and head out with the kids to explore their world in the moonlight.

5) Don’t Be Board… Pull out those board games collecting dust in the closet and have a game day – it’s a great way to spend a rainy day. Only rule – no electronic games allowed! No games? Check out your local thrift store, just make sure they have all the necessary game pieces, or you’ll end up with frustrated players. Puzzles are another terrific activity.

6) We All Scream for Ice Cream… There’s no better way to end a summer day than with ice cream, especially when it’s homemade. And it’s super quick and easy to whip up. Fill a gallon zipper-top bag about half full with ice and add ½ cup rock salt (we found canning and pickling salt worked when I bought the wrong stuff. Table salt might also work.) Set aside. In a quart-sized zipper bag mix together ½ cup half-and-half, 1 Tablespoon sugar, and a few drops of vanilla. You can also add a spoon of chocolate milk powder if you want chocolate ice cream. Seal the quart bag and put it into the gallon bag. Seal the gallon bag and shake. After 5 – 10 minutes you’ll have ice cream! Remove the quart bag and rinse the top of the bag with cold water. Open and ENJOY; you can even eat right out of the bag! When you are done, wash out the bags and save them for next time.

Alecia will be blogging at starting September 10. Until then, you can follow her on facebook.

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