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Last year for Christmas I bought Princess R a subscription to Kiwi Crate. I try to be a fun mom, and be all crafty, but truth be told it’s just not me. Thank goodness for things like pinterest to help inspire me! I had a friend who I knew bought Kiwi Crate for her daughter the year before, so I asked her what she thought, was it worth it, etc. She only had good things to say about it!
Now, I only have good to say about it as well! I’ve been trying to get pictures all year of her playing with the crafts each month, but found myself setting the camera aside to just sit and be with her and play. One of the more recent crates however, was just too fun not to take photos to share with you. Castles and Catapults I’d easily say is this girls favorite new “toy”.
This picture really captured how much fun we’ve had with the castle and catapult. After the dragon took over the castle, ate the King, and Prince, and stole the Princess – we had to storm the castle with pom poms launched from our homemade catapult.
For me, the fun part was being able to weave some history lessons into play time. Instead of trying to come up with something to keep her attention, the Kiwi Crate took care of that for me, and I could focus on what I love – the weaving of history into playtime.