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Chase Danger Super Spy
Mystery of the Special Sauce
by Chase and Lisa Olivera
About the Book: Chase Danger Super Spy reminds me of a comic book in it’s illustrations. Chase a 6 year old boy sneaks around being a super spy, hoping his mom won’t find him out. Because let’s face it, what mother is going to let their 6 year old fight bad guys, and build their own super car!

About the Authors: Chase Olivera and his parents Lisa and Chad Olivera are an Author and publishing team from California. Published works include the Chase Danger, Super Spy Series: Book #1 Mystery of the special Sauce and book #2 Pirates of Pineapple Island. Chase is a bright seven year old entering the second grade this fall, Lisa works with young children as a Special Circumstance Aide and Chad is a musician, composer and children’s theater director. They live and work in Santa Clarita California. As a family they enjoy writing books, going to the beach, watching movies and going on Geocaching adventures. Please visit them at http://www.chasedanger.com/ and “LIKE” them on facebook for exciting updates.
My Thoughts: I actually really enjoyed this book. It was simple and a lot of fun to read my with my kids. What we really loved however is the read along theater cd that comes with it. The sound effects really brought the story to life! Princess V really listened well for the turn page sound, and all 3 princesses got excited turning the page as they listened to the story. The pictures are vibrant, and easy to follow. I would definitely recommend this book for young beginning readers. Boys especially will enjoy this book.