Cupcakes and Sisters {Menu Plan}

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Wednesday night, my sister and I took a trip to the store for some last minute Thanksgiving items. It was nice to spend some time with just her, so we decided to make the trip extra special, and went to a little Cupcake Bakery.  It was one of the cutest little places I’ve been to in a long time.

My sister knows me uber well, and knew that I love cupcakes. I’m not a big television watcher, but one show I make sure to record each week is Cupcake Wars. It just so happens that the bakery we went to, had been on Cupcake Wars earlier this year, and I remembered them!  Cravings – Alisha’s Cupcakes, was in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle episode, where they had to turn pizza into cupcakes.

No I didn’t try a pizza cupcake.  I enjoyed a Salted Caramel Cupcake, and my sister tried her Snickerdoodle Cupcake. They were both very yummy!  She had also made some fudge and was offering it as a free sample.  Along with the yummy cupcakes, Alisha has created a fun atmostphere for eating them. She has couches, and tables and chairs, even a little corner for kids. None of the furniture matched, but it all gave off the same feel, fun. Just perfect for enjoying a girls night with my sister.

I had hoped to take my Princesses back before we left town, but it just didn’t fit into our schedule. So over Christmas vacation, we’ll definitely be visiting Alisha again.  She actually just opened her store front a few weeks ago. So if you live in the Utah County Area, you should go visit her on Main Street in Pleasant Grove.

Did I mention, I got to meet Alisha too? Yep she was the only one there baking and serving cupcakes when my sister and I stopped by.  She is a lot of fun, and extremely friendly. I kind of felt like I was meeting a rock star.  I’ll definitely be tuning in when she makes her 2nd appearance (voted a fan favorite!) on Cupcake Wars.  This was my first trip to a Cupcake Bakery, but it won’t be my last.

Have you been to a Cupcake Bakery? 
Now, what to eat this week? We left all the leftovers at my parents, so no more Thanksgiving food for us.
Monday – Bean and Cheese Taquitos
Tuesday – Macaroni and Cheese
Wednesday – Chili
Thursday – Caprese Chicken
Saturday – Leftovers
Sunday – Lasagna

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