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I got this from the amazing Dear Crissy this morning. She is trying to hear more from her readers, and I would really like the same! I want to hear from you, to know more about you, and be able to connect with you on your blogs. So leave a comment. Come out of hiding and tell me about you!
So come out come out where ever you are!
Well, I'm not really a lurker, but hi! I really enjoy reading your blog.
I'm not lurking either, but I love the picture. Is that one of your princesses?
It is a cute picture, but not one of my girls. I found it online somewhere. Normally I link back, but looks like I forgot..I'll have to go find it again.
Hi, I am a lurker so I will come out. I found you on Cafe Mom and loved your blog so I started following it. I also blog but must admit I am not that great at it. Here is where you can find me!
Hey! Nice to see you around 🙂 Just took a look at your blog, and it looks good! I hope you stay out of hiding now.
Hi there – can't really say where or how I came across your blog just recently, but am glad I did. I blog about all things good for your body, your soul, and the planet over at The Soulicious Life. In other words, healthy living! I also happen to be a bit OCD when it comes to organizing. Besides liking to decorate, frankly I think cleaning out the junk from our lives make it well, more soulicious! 🙂
I couldn't agree more with you! I'm in the process of dejunking our house, so we have less. Things seem to accumulate pretty fast around here. Definitely more soulicious!
Thanks for stopping by!
Love your blog. I don't think I have ever commented on it though so here's my shot at coming out from behind the screen 🙂
I am definitely a lurker. I visit your blog at least once a day. There are so many links to explore. I am one of your biggest fans, Adelina. With love, your mother-in-law