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I absolutely love Picmonkey for all my photo editing needs. I can resize my photos for optimum blog load time for you, as well as edit colors, add embellishments, and of course get some text in there so you can pin all my images to pinterest (at least I hope that’s what you do). You may even recall last year I wrote about what to gift your blogging friends, and Picmonkey Royale was on there.
The photo above is of our old day Tank. It took me about 5-10 minutes to play around with all the different FREE effects available to me on Picmonkey.
It’s time to dress them up your pets! Do a little photo editing, and enter Picmonkey’s #FrankenPet Halloween contest!
Cat, dog, reptile, amphibian – it doesn’t matter in this contest. They are looking for creativity, use of picmonkey effects, theme, and photo quality.
Grand prize winner will receive a Year of Picmonkey Royale and then based on the category a GoPro Hero3, Fetch Harness, or 3 way mount. Runner ups will receive a year of Royale and a $25 giftcard to Petco.