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Goodness I feel it’s been awhile since we’ve chatted. School is winding down for the kids, but that means life is picking up for me. More kids, more entertainment ideas to come up with, and just more awareness around the house will be required these upcoming months. I’ve got some great summer ideas coming up for you, but today I want to talk about my 2 awesome oldest.
Princess V and Princess C decided one day last week they wanted their hair cut. We’ve talked about it often before, usually concluding that Princess V wasn’t quite ready to emotionally let go of her hair, and mom being emotionally attached to Princess C’s hair.
This time though, we said OK! I took Princess C out just the 2 of us one Saturday morning, to cut her hair. We weren’t just going to let it fall to the ground though. Oh no! This girl wanted to donate her hair to help kids without hair. We’ve recently told her how at 1 years old about a 1 inch patch of her hair just fell out. A diagnosis of Alopecia Areata had Mark and I vowing to grow her hair out forever like Rapunzel. After 6 years with no recurrence though, choosing to give her hair to someone who may be currently suffering a similar disease was most definitely an option.
Despite her look, Princess C is excited about donating her hair. She was just tired of waiting for Prinecss V to put a smile on. We finally got a beautiful smile from her and lost the other smile. Kids.
So where are we donating their hair? I’ve heard some unsatisfactory things about an organization we use to donate to, so we did some more research. We’ve decided to send the Princesses hair to
What a great cause and so cute how much your girls got into it!
So wonderful of the girls to donate their beautiful hair. Both of their cuts look great. I'm sure Princess C will appreciate her cut more when it get hot outside.
So glad you did your research before donating! That is super sweet of your girls. My daughter-15-recently had a bad haircut as well, it was not pleasant, but good thing it is just hair and it will grow out! 🙂
The kids are so cute. I love the donation of their beautiful hair. Take love!
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