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1) If you were to re-live one moment in your life up to this point, what moment would that be?
I think I would re-live one day back in high school around spring break so I know I won’t be in class. Why?? Cause I could and wouldn’t it be great to be a teen again?? Just for a day though…
2) Funniest poop story… I know you have them.
Eldest used it as play dough once in his crib, youngest used it as paint… gross… just gross…
3) What’s your favorite blog post you’ve written? link please!
This one is so hard! I would have to say it was one of my firsts describing a date hubby and I had. http://www.mumfection.com/2010/09/you-would-have-called-cab.html
4) What are your hobbies?
I paint using watercolors, HUGE movie buff, audiobooks I am soo HUGE on audiobooks. I would have to say that blogging would be a hobby but it would be more under the passion or “work” category.
5) What household chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Hands down, folding laundry, I loathe it!! In fact currently you can find a HUGE pile of clean clothes in my room and a pile of dirty ones. I hate folding so much I would rather hunt for kids’ socks in a MOUND of clothing than organize it. I should pay someone to do it for me…. Hubby also hates it, doesn’t work out so well for mum.
6) What story does your family always tell about you?
Oh umm… I dunno I don’t really talk to my family. I think my sister would tell stories about what a terror/demon I was. I have heard her describe me as both Lilo and Stitch, evil like stitch and morbid like lilo! I must have been a LOVELY little sister!
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