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It’s Monday morning, you’re getting your child ready for school.
What should you put in their lunch? A water bottle or a juice box? Sandwich or salad? Fruit cups or chopped vegetable? Maybe you’ll just send them with some lunch money?
“Lack of food can diminish concentration, erode willpower, and strip away a child’s potential. Compound that with prevalence of HIV/AIDS or the trauma of losing parents and loved ones, without food, a child’s attendance and performance at school is severely jeopardized.”
You aren’t worrying that your child is getting the right nutrition because you are present in their life. You are there making sure they eat healthy, go to school, and have all that they need to succeed.
“Nearly 20% of all children in South Africa are orphans, with approximately 1.9 Million of those children orphaned as a result of HIV and AIDS.”
You take your children to the doctor and dentist, making sure they are as healthy as possible. You change their diets if needed. You do this all after school so they don’t have to miss any education.
“65% of all South African children live in poverty. Receiving food encourages these children to stay in school and obtain their education.”
What are you eating for lunch today? I’m having a salad. I really nice big salad full of romaine lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, green onions, croutons, and a hard boiled egg.
A salad like this doesn’t cost me very much. Especially in the spring and summer when a lot of the vegetables. I don’t always eat this healthy though. Sometimes I head to the nearest fast food. I spend a lot more when I do that. At least $5. When my kids are with me, it’s a lot more.
Did you know that just $10 can feed a child their only meal for the day. So if I donate $5, and you donate $5 together we can feed a child.
The Lunchbox Fund is a campaign working to feed 100 South African children a daily meal for a year! Will you be a part of this movement?
What an amazing campaign. Thank you for sharing, I can't believe that $10 is all it takes.
It's such a simple offering to give too!
Great campaign! And those eggs look delicious! I'm going to have to make them. #SITSblogging
I love hard boiled eggs! But I don't actually boil mine, shh. 325 F for 30 minutes in a muffin tin. than 10 minutes in an ice bath before peeling.
What a great campaign!! I raised funds the last few years for FEED because 1 in 7 american kids don't have lunch. I was startled by the numbers and as you noted how little it takes to make a difference!
It's staggering hearing statistics like these – especially in America! Thanks for stopping by Amanda.
Such heartbreaking statistics. Great campaign. Thanks for sharing!
I've never heard of this program before. Sounds terrific. Off to check them out now.
{stopping by from SITS}
I haven't heard of this before, but I'll be checking it out. My husband and I are very involved with Charity:water, which provides wells. These statistics are so heartbreaking.
It is surprising how many children go hungry in this day and age, and even more surprising that it isn't in the obvious places. Our school PTA quietly sponsors children from poorer families who don't often have breakfast at home to have breakfast at school. I also contribute to our local food bank. It's heartbreaking.
(Visiting from the SITS comment love week.)
My husband and I have spent a lot of time in South Africa. Have family there and he worked there. This is a very good cause and I hope you meet your goal. South Africa is an awesome country. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Adelina, thanks for the information on this program. The need is great, and if each of us does his or her part, so many can be helped!
What a great organization and campaign! Thank you for sharing, I hope you reach your goal.
Great campaign! Every month at work we sponsor a charity that we each get to pick. I can't wait for it to be my turn now!
Thanks for sharing and this is a great campaign. Hubby and I are always looking for something to give to and I think we will look into this.
This is an awesome campaign! I am glad you shared this.
Thanks for sharing this awesome resource. I love making a difference.
What a great charity, and a good cause. I liked how you put it in perspective with what we take for granted in our owl lives by highlighting the simple things (like a salad) in yours, and that really helped to drive home the point of what is really a very small thing to us, is a very, very big thing for someone else. I hope your posts bring more attention and bring more awareness to your cause!
Thank you for sharing I didn´t know about this program, we all can help!
Lovely and inviting layout on your blog; I enjoy the "vibe" it gives off.
Thanks for spreading the word on this food program; very, very worthwhile!
Thank you Becky! I've been struggling with my layout recently, wondering if it was good or not. I think I'll leave it as is now 🙂
What a great movement!
My church youth group teams up every year and sponsors a child. We all would bring in money every months to contribute to the fund. 🙂 #SITSBlogging
Thanks for sharing information about this campaign, Adelina. I will be looking into it more and sharing it with my family. We definitely want to do our part in helping others.
What a great campaign – thank you for sharing. We often forget how little it takes to feed a child elsewhere that might only get one meal a day when we are busily going through our days. Thank you for the reminder. Sharing this with friends and family.
This is a great initiative. Its diabolical that there are children starving in this country when our president, Zuma gets to spend tax payers money on 'improvements' to his private home including 'necessities' like an Olympic size swimming pool (for a man who doesn't swim) – millions of rands that should have been used to improve the lives of those in desperate need. Meanwhile the schools are overflowing, understaffed, textbooks and basic necessities are in short supply, children are malnourished – it is a disgrace. Its easy to forget the daily struggle millions face (even when living in the same country)…here we try to help a few people from our local community by providing employment (I've recently taken on a seamstress and am trying to sell the products she creates – my dream is to employ a dozen more ladies and set them up so that they can be proud of what they achieve here and help to support their families). Even for those not going hungry, life is a struggle every day. Its so easy to take for granted our great fortune and its wonderful to see others taking the time out to think about those less fortunate. Thanks for sharing this. Have a wonderful week.
Warm Regards from sunny South Africa.
This link to a video by one of our food chains taking up the challenge to do something positive and helping to support a day care centre in Alexandria is heart warming and very touching – its amazing what a few people can do to… http://www.sapeople.com/2014/02/11/nandos-raknomination-video-changeonething-591/
Thank you for sharing this. It is a really heartwarming campaign. I'm sharing, and I will donate! #SITSblogging
I haven't heard of this initiative, before. Thank you for sharing!
Awesome, thanks for sharing this.