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In the midst of commercialization, kids begging for the newest gadgets, and a bit of seasonal depression setting in, I find solace and joy in serving others. This particular service event to feed the hungry was made possible by the amazing people at Boncom, and I feel incredibly lucky to partner with them as we Light The World.
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I often find myself asking why it is that I love the holidays so much? I’m not a great gifter, and if you were to ask me what I want, very little of it consists of things. However, with the Christmas Season comes an abundance of opportunities to serve.
Light The World: 25 Ways in 25 Days
My mom taught me that the best way to change ourselves is by focusing on others. Having a bad day? Serve someone. Feeling down? Serve someone. Mad at someone? Serve them. Struggling with faith? Go out and serve.
So a week after some depression hit hard, I did just that. I had heard that the Ronald McDonald House of Indiana needed volunteers to come cook freezer meals for their residents. It was exactly the kind of opportunity I needed. I texted my sister in law to see if she’d like to join in giving this service and then went shopping.
The Ronald Mcdonald House only asked for one freezer meal, but I knew I had time to put together at least 2 casseroles, as well as bake a few dozen cookies.
As I walked into the Ronald McDonald House, my spirit lifted. A natural smile crept across my face, and I knew this is where I was meant to be. My spirit yearns to give service and the depression that had begun to set in, lifted if but just for that day. Today I would feed the hungry, but my own soul would be spiritually fed.
We chopped, boiled, fried, and baked for the next 2 hours. Since it was the middle of the day the House was pretty quiet. Most of the Ronald McDonald House residents are at one of the area hospitals during the day with their sick children. Coming back to the house for a bite to eat and sleep.
The casseroles were coming together nicely, and the cookies were almost done. When the first guest we had seen all day walked in. He was grabbing some snacks to take to his wife and discussing things with the manager.
I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it was impossible not to overhear. Their utility bills were late, they didn’t really have enough to cover the bill anyway, and he guessed it wouldn’t matter if their power was shut off because they weren’t home.
The cookies were done, so we placed them on the counter for whoever might need a bite of something sweet. Before this man left, he turned saw the cookies, and asked if they were for anyone. We indicated they were available for all and then tried to blend into the background.
I had debated buying that cookie dough. I didn’t know if there would be cookie sheets to cook it on, or if leaving a plate of cookies on a counter would be something the Ronald McDonald House would even allow. In that one man, though, I knew I had made the right decision. In the excitement I heard behind his voice as he told us how much his wife would enjoy these, I knew for just a moment, whatever his story, this small seemingly inconsequential choice I made was the right one.
Get Involved!
There are opportunities all around to Feed the Hungry. It’s probably one of the easiest services you can give. Whether you donate a can, or a whole meal, there is something everyone can do
- Donate food to your local food pantry
- Go make meals at your local Ronald McDonald House
- Put together snack bags to hand out to the homeless
- Serve at the food pantry
- Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen
- Make a meal for someone in need
- Invite someone who may be lonely to have dinner with you
Food fills our physical hunger, but it is through Christ we can fill our spiritual hunger. These service ideas and countless other ways to serve will help fill your spiritual hunger. I know this to be true.
If time or finances are tight, and you can’t get out to serve the physical hunger in our world, consider feeding someone’s spiritual hunger.
- share your favorite scripture with a friend
- Invite someone to worship with you
- pray for the well being of someone today
How will you Feed the Hungry? Please share more ideas in the comments, or over on our facebook page. Tag #lighttheworld and join a movement to share God’s love with the world.
I appreciate your thinking, about eat to hunger.it’s a festival of love, caring, gifts, and celebrate your happiness. I also agree after feeding to hunger. when I read your post I saw me in you. I think everyone should think about it.
Try to make sure your exceptional critical thinking skills are not exclusively reserved for Disney related hit pieces. Talent like yours is essential, and in short supply.
It is a celebration of love, care, gifts, and happiness. I am also satisfied after being fed. Try to make sure that your exceptional critical thinking skills are not specifically for Disney-related hits. I am also satisfied after being fed. I saw you when I read your post.