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Woo, what a week. I really tried to stay away from the sugar, but Princess R turned 1 saturday followed by easter on sunday. It just didn’t happen for me. I did get my sugar free chocolates from Vande Walles Candy though. I am happy to report, it tastes just like normal chocolate! I do wonder just how sugar free it is though. Some pieces had caramel in them, and I wasn’t aware you could make caramel without sugar. Either way, I’m counting the days I had those as sugar free because the package says sugar free 🙂
Exercising isn’t going as great as I would like. For now, it consists mostly of running up and down stairs and ladders with boxes. This week I want to focus on my exercise. Bonus points this week for trying something new. I think I’m going to find a zumba dvd or video online. I’ve been wanting to try zumba for awhile now, but just haven’t had the time really.
Last weeks bonus points were to drink 96oz + of water. I was barely getting 64 or just under 64. I’m noticing that the less I do during a day, the more nauseous I get when I drink water. I like water, but that much leaves me feeling nauseous. I found my 32oz mug from the hospital though, so I’m using that to help gauge how much I’m drinking. It’s really helped to see exactly how much I’m drinking.
As for sleep, it’s going great! I used to wake up kind of grumpy after getting up multiple times with Princess R, and thinking I didn’t get much sleep. Turns out, even getting up in the night, I’m still getting 6hours of sleep! And this last week Princess R has decided only to get up once, maybe twice, meaning I get even more sleep! Most nights it’s closer to 7-8hours of sleep each night! Oh that just makes me smile!
So last week I weighed myself to see how I was doing. I had lost 4lbs!! Oh yeah! Sadly, the sugar eating oer 2 days gained 3 of that back. Dang! Well, I’m off to drink some water, and exercise. Got to get those 3lbs gone again!
I think I’m going to find a zumba dvd or video online. I’ve been wanting to try zumba for awhile now, but just haven’t had the time really.
Last weeks bonus points were to drink 96oz + of water. Goodlife fitness