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Welcome back to another Foodie Friday
I would love it if you took a moment to visit my co-host Diane at Simple Living and Eating.
If you’re new to Foodie Friday, here’s the run down
1. Link up your recipe or any food related post below
2. Browse the linky, visit some new blogs, and share if you feel so inclined.
3. Please only link up 3 posts. This lets us visit as many of you as possible.
4. By linking up you give me permission to feature your photos on Home Maid Simple (always linking back to you of course!)
4. By linking up you give me permission to feature your photos on Home Maid Simple (always linking back to you of course!)
Last week, I announced a monthly Foodie Friday Newsletter. It is almost completely finished, and you should be receiving the first of 12 newsletters in 2014 sometime between when this goes live and Friday night. Currently, if you have linked up to this party within the last month, you will already be on the mailing list (don’t worry unsubscribing is easy, if you don’t want to receive it), if you are fairly new, or have been gone for awhile, you can sign up on this form
On to our feature. This week I’m really excited to share with your a returning blogger to our Foodie Friday Party. I kid you not, I was drooling over her photo’s the other night. Please welcome and say Hi to
Becca pulled me in first with her blog name – Amuse Your Bouche. If you don’t know, Bouche is French for Mouth. I love the French language, and Becca’s play on words mixing English with French I found delightfyl.
Becca herself lives in the UK with her fiance and pet rats (really Becca, rats?). She has a beautiful eye for good food, and takes some stunning photo’s of them. I never would have guessed Vegetarian foods could look so good…all the time.
Yep, that’s right, Becca is a vegetarian, and for the month of January she joined some friends in a Vegan challenge (giving up her cheese!). I think these recipes she shared though, will please anyone, vegetarian or not. Take a look, and then don’t forget to go Follow Becca and amuse your own bouche!
Amuse Your Bouche on

Start your day off with some Coconut Oats with Brown Sugar Bananas
Who here has ever had brown sugar bananas? no? me either. They sound amazing though!

For lunch why not have an Avocado Chickpea Salad?
Yes, I did just go to the store to pick up some avocados so I can make this.

Finally warm up your night with some Smoky Coconut and Butternut Squash Soup.
This is happening. Oh yes.

I didn’t feel right leaving you with just the 3 meals Becca shared, so I dove into her Recipe list, and found you a dessert to round out your day. Enjoy some Peach Melba Eton Mess
Now if you don’t see me around the cyber world this weekend…just assume I’m lost inside Amuse Your Bouche. I mentioned her recipes, and photography, but do me a favor and read everything she write too, because she is witty, and fun, and someone I want to be friends with!
Hi Adelina,
Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for a awesome party!
Miz Helen
Thanks for coming by Miz Helen! I'm having a fabulous week, thank you!
Thank you for hosting!
It is amazing how appetizing Becca makes straight vegetarian cooking. It isn't an easy thing to do.
Love the name "Amuse Your Bouche." Thanks so much for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much for featuring me today Adelina!! You're too kind 🙂 I've linked up a couple more recipes this week 😀
Thank you for sharing what great job Becca did. I just love it! Joining your link up for the first time this year, Adelina. Cheers to everything you and Diane will be doing this year! Will I be automatically added to the newsletter subscription?
Thanks for hosting – I am now following both of you on FB. Have a wonderful weekend.
Warm Regards from sunny South Africa
Tamara @ MyFarmLifeDiary