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*I received product for my honest thoughts. All opinions are 100% my own*
Have you lost an item recently? Are you worried your kids stuff is going to get lost at school? No fears! FoundIt.net is here!
No joke, never worry about your lost items again. I’m going to start here with a story. This story takes place on two plane rides, on the same trip.
A couple years ago, Mark’s mother decided she wanted to retire teaching and work for the Department of Defense Education system. They sent her to Japan, and we jumped on the chance to visit. Really, I mean travelling the world is like a dream come true for me! After months of planning we jumped on board a plane and headed to Japan! We were off. Now we knew we couldn’t use our American cell phones in Japan, but we felt we needed them in case we missed a lay over flight, and on our way back to coordinate our pick up, so the cells went in the carry ons. We had a very nice flight considering the young age of our children. When we arrived in Japan, Mark’s cell was gone. We figure it must have fallen out of the carry on. There was no getting it back since we had no idea which plane it had fallen out on (we switched planes twice, and airports once). Oh well we said, good thing we brought mine too! We enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Japan, and after a couple weeks, boarded the planes again to head home. As we were landing in Salt Lake, Mark pulled out my phone to get ready to call my parents who would be picking us up. We got off the plane and almost immediately found my phone gone! We had just had it. I know it was on that plane! So I ran back and asked if I could go search the plane. They were a little hesitant, but decided to trust me. I searched that plane with no luck! Someone must have picked it up!
We did all we could and told the flight agency, and filled out their form. I’ve never seen the phone since. In comes FoundIt.net! Seriously I wish these people had been around 3 years ago! They make labels for all your items, and provide a text or email service to get your lost items back to you! Imagine if our phones had had those stickers on them! We’d have easily gotten them back. Take a look at these cool tags!
They make stickers you can place anywhere! I’ve got one on my phone, camera, stroller, and itouch!
They also make tags, that can attach to key rings, zippers, you name it! I absolutely love the fun sayings they put on the back of the tags too!
So how does FoundIt.net work? When you sign up, you give your cell number, and email address. As well as mailing address. FoundIt assigns you one ID for all your items. Wait a couple days, and you’ll receive your stickers and tags in the mail. Start labeling you items! Each tag has instructions to either text the ID to a number, or to go online where they can enter your ID. Once FoundIt receives info that your item has been found, they will contact you within seconds of it being reported, and reunite you with your lost items!
One other reason I love FoundIt is their concern for your safety. Instead of writing your address on everything, you just have an ID. Once you’ve been informed your item has been found you can meet up in a public place to get your items back. FoundIt has a page specifically about keeping you safe, and tips on how to safely get your belongings back.
Now thankfully I haven’t lost anything since signing up with FoundIt, but I’ve got a 4 year membership, and knowing me, something is going to get lost in that time frame! I just know it.
*I was provided with a MacDaddy package from FoundIt.net to review. All opinions are my own. Thanks to Business 2 Blogger for this opportunity!
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