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The last few days in this challenge are things I personally don’t struggle with or are things I’ve already implemented in my life. I decided to combine them into one post as I just don’t have much to say on any of them.
Day 8 – Learn to Control Impulse Spending. Personally I don’t really care to go shopping. Unless of course there is a specific item I am buying. Going shopping just to shop, gives me anxiety, and I can get grumpy fast. Basically I don’t even go window shopping, because I just don’t see anything I need or want, because I haven’t thought about it previously. If you struggle with impulse buying, my suggestion is to stop window shopping. Then before you go shopping, make a list/plan of what you need.
Day 9 – The 30 day list. I love this idea, and I think it could help a lot of people with impulse spending. Basically if you go to purchase something, instead write it down on a list. Mark the date that you wrote it down. After 30 days, see if you still want that item, how important is it to have, do you really need to spend the money on it? You’ll probably find a lot of items being crossed off to never buy.
Day 10 – Stop spending money to impress others. Or in other words, stop trying to keep up with the Jones. Be happy with what you have. When you look around at others, are you impressed by what they have? Or are you impressed with who they are? I’m guessing the majority of us look more at a person’s actions then we do at the stuff they have when we evaluate them as a person. We may want what they have, but we’re not going to hold that against them if they are consistantly nice, and doing service for others. On the other hand, if we are only worried about getting the next big electronic device, and don’t take the time to give a smile to a passer by, take a meal to the mom who just had a baby, or can just be happy being us, we may find we lack friends, and close relationships. We minimize our own happiness, and people don’t want to be around sour people who can change the way they look at their life.