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Would you like to be more frugal, and get a large community of like minded individuals to help you a long the way?
Frugally Sustainable has put together a 23 Day Frugal living challenge, that starts today!!! I took the pledge, and I am so excited to work on daily goals as well as long term goals in becoming Frugally Sustainable. I really loved Andrea’s post for today’s goal. It gets you thinking about what Frugal Living truly means.
She mentions how being cheap is not neccessarily frugal living, but rather it’s enjoying what we have and getting out of the mindset that more is better. So giving it some thought, I feel that I already do that. There’s always more I would like, but I am perfectly happy with what I have. So today, as I think about how I personally need to redefine frugality, I plan on just looking at everything around my house, and giving thought to whether I truly need it, or could do without it. If I can do without it, then I will look at whether I enjoy it, or if it’s just taking up space. If it’s taking up space, what can I do with it to bless someone else’s life?
I’ll be blogging daily about the challenges in the 23 Day Frugal Living Challenge, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. If you want to join the challenge, just head over to Frugally Sustainable and follow the links to join the forum!