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I am really excited to be joining Diane at Simple Living and Eating for her new Food of the World party.  For almost 2 years now Diane has helped me co-host our Foodie Friday party (still going strong), so when she told me about this Food of the World idea, I was thrilled. Instead of weekly, it will be a monthly party where we visit the cuisine of a different country. To kick off we’re heading to Spain.

My first thoughts of Spain are – Bull Fighting, and Rice. Turns out I really don’t know a whole lot about this country. So I hit the Internet, and started doing some searching. After browsing a number of articles about different Spanish foods, I realized they eat a lot of fish. I knew with my families picky tastes I couldn’t serve them fish. At least not without easing into it. So I went with something less fishy, but still very Spanish – Gazpacho.

Artwork by Mark’s Dad

So Gazpacho – a tomato based cold soup. I knew I was pushing our limits with both tomatoes and cold soup, but was pretty sure it was going to go over better than fish. Sadly, because personally I love fish! Back to Gazpacho. After doing a lot of research into Gazpacho, all you really need is a lot of tomatoes, and them some extra vegetables to throw in as well.

Unfortunately for my family, the soup did not turn out very edible. Luckily for you, I’m not going to share my recipe with you, but I am going to direct you to some very good looking Gazpacho recipes. I think if I would have stuck to one of them, instead of trying to mesh it all together and make my own, we probably would have enjoyed it. The big problem we had, was there was too much onion in it, and I didn’t add very much either. It was all we could taste though. Surprisingly the kids didn’t actually complain, and enjoyed dipping some bread in it – they shouted for joy though when Mark walked in the door with some pizza.

I used these recipes to put together my Gazpacho.

Gazpacho at Mama’s Gotta Bake

Gazpacho at Add A Pinch

Gazpacho at The Pioneer Woman

7 thoughts on “Gazpacho

  1. Oh my so sorry you had a gazpacho disaster. It make me think of the Spanish movie "Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown." There is a really crazy gazpacho scene. Poland should be an easier place lots of meat and potatoes.

    1. you know if I had left out the onion, or only used like 1 tsp, I think it would have been a WHOLE lot better. It was just that onion biting out that made it too hard to eat 🙁

  2. Hi Adelina,
    Gazpacho is one of my favorites and I love the painting of the Bull Fighter, this is a great post. Hope you are having a great week and thanks for sharing.
    Miz Helen

  3. I love that artwork, Adelina!
    Hmmm… there's no single hint at all from the photo of your Gazpacho that it didn't turn out as you expected. Soup-turned-dip may not be disastrous!?
    Glad to join this new link up. Sounds exciting! Bringing along a popular dish of Spanish origin which is a hit in my hometown. This has become my family's favorite, too!

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