Get a Shot. Give a Shot® and Recipe for Vitamin C Boost

Relieve colds with a Vitamin C Boost

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Making the right kind of memories #GiveaShot #shop #cbias

Back to school time often brings up the debate of immunizations. Do you vaccinate? Do you delay them? Or do you completely forgo them?  This is obviously a personal choice for everyone, and I’m not here to judge you. Promise. Just sharing my opinions on why we choose what we do, and how you can turn a simple choice into an act of good for others.

Alright, I want to try something with you – Take a look at your knees. A good long look.

Alright, are we back? I bet you’re wondering what that was all about huh?  While you were looking at your knees, did you by chance reminisce about your childhood? That is what my knees always remind me of. Lots of days running through our wooded backyard, climbing trees, and flipping over my bike handles at the end of our gravel driveway.

My knees carry many good childhood memories. My forehead on the other hand does not. If you take a close look at the left of my forehead, at the end of my eyebrow, you will find an indentation. A scar if you will from when I had the chickenpox. A time, that even though I was only 3-4, I still remember pretty clearly. It itched, I was miserable, and oatmeal in the tub? yuck! If I recall all my siblings had it at the same time too. Absolutely no fun at all for any of us, and I’m sure my parents weren’t enjoying it either.

We can't prevent our kids from getting hurt, but we can take the right precautions #GiveaShot #Shop #cbias

Like my knees, we can’t protect and prevent our kids from ever getting hurt. That’s just part of life, and those memories will be with us forever. However, things like chickenpox, whooping cough, and meningitis can be prevented, and I personally think should be. Unfortunately in developing countries the vaccines we have available to us in the USA are not as readily accessible. That’s why I love that by taking my kids to Walgreens for their school immunizations, we are directly helping a child receive a life saving shot.

How? Walgreens has partnered with the United Nation Foundation’s Shot@Life Campaign. For every shot Walgreens gives, a shot is provided to a child in need. Since I can’t physically go help these children, I’m glad I can still help out by choosing Walgreens for our school immunizations. They make it easy too! No appointments are necessary, most insurances are accepted, and they will keep your primary care physician in the know.

I want my kids to look at their knees as adults and remember that time they played foursquare and missed the ball as they took a spill into the pavement. I want them to remember learning how to learn a bike, and the time they begged me to let go before they were completely ready to go on their own. Or when they were climbing trees at Nana’s house.

First Aid Kit To Go #GiveaShot #shop #cbias

Since we can’t prevent bad things from happening, we can be ready for those scraped knees and common colds. I picked up this cute Johnson & Johnson first aid kid to go the other day with Princess R. It was timely too, since Princess C then came home with scraped up knees and asking for clean bandages. It also fits handily into the back of the stroller – it never ceases to amaze me how many times my kids get hurt just walking down the sidewalk.

For colds and sore throats, I love making this Vitamin C Boost. Seriously, if I had not been so sick and stressed from moving I would have picked the ingredients up for me. As it is, now I have it all whipped up to get the kids and Mark over their colds.

Vitamin C Boost
Keep the colds at bay with this boost of Vitamin C
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  1. Ingredients
  2. 1 cup Tang, or orange drink powder
  3. 2/3 cup sugar
  4. 2 tsp lemon peel
  5. 6 whole cloves, crushed or 1/4 tsp ground cloves
  6. 1/2 tsp Saigon Roasted Cinnamon
  7. Hot Water
  8. Cinnamon Sticks - optional
  1. Mix the drink powder, sugar and spices together.
  2. Store in an airtight container, or in the freezer.
  3. Boil water.
  4. Add 1TBS drink powder to a cup of hot water.
  5. Stir with a cinnamon stick (optional), and drink.
Home Maid Simple
Vitamin C Boost #GiveaShot #shop #cbias
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10 thoughts on “Get a Shot. Give a Shot® and Recipe for Vitamin C Boost

    1. I never said anything about it being completely healthy. It DOES however work to soothe sore throats, and for me personally it cures my colds. The original recipe called for a lot more tang and a lot more sugar. I've cut those down while adding more of the spices. The Vitamin C in the tang is what really helps in this.

  1. I love your reasons for vaccinating. I feel the same way. My kids were all vaccinated but they still got Chicken Pox. Thankfully it wasn't a full blown infection since they were vaccinated. It made my heart hurt seeing them itchy and sick even if it was only for a few days.

  2. I said nothing regarding it is totally solid. It DOES anyway attempt to alleviate sore throats, and for me actually, it fixes my colds. The first formula required much more tang and significantly more sugar. I’ve chopped those down while adding a greater amount of the flavors. The Vitamin C in the tang truly helps in this. buy google reviews

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