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Teaching kids good hygiene can be difficult at times. Some days they are great and don’t mind brushing their teeth, other days it’s like they think a monster is going to take all their teeth if they open their mouth at all.
That’s why I love finding products that make good hygiene fun! GUM crayola toothbrushes come in all different styles, so there is sure to be one that your child will enjoy. There’s the Marker with suction cup base, that is designed to look like crayola markers. The suction cup base helps keep the toothbrush clean when not in use as well! Then there’s the Pip Squeaks, which are modeled after the marker of the same name. These are great for toddlers just learning to brush, so they don’t have a long handle they have to maneuver around. There’s also, and this is my favorite, the timer light toothbrush. It also features a suction cup, but in the middle of the suction cup is a button that turns a flashing light on. The light flashes for 60 seconds, encouraging longer brushing times. These are really fun to let the kids brush in the dark. Finally for older children there is the power toothbrush. This one also has a suction cup base, but it is not attached to the actual toothbrush.