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This month I’ve been sharing my gratitude daily over on Facebook. I thought today would be a great day, to grab all those little posts, and combine them in one to see what a bounty of blessings I have.
1. Warm Coats. When we moved to North Dakota, some of us only had light jackets. The people here are so kind, and we soon had warm coats for everyone
2. YOU! This month we reached over 3000 fans on facebook, and those posts are reaching a little over 800 each week. Here on the blog I see almost 4000 visitors a month! Thank you!! Keep coming back, and bring your friends.
3. Morning Smiles from my kids. Really is there anything better than waking up to smiling kids?
4. My Mom’s Banana Bread. Get the Recipe!
5. The Holiday Season. This is the most wonderful time of the year. With sleighbells…are you singing yet? I just love the joy, kindness, and friendship that seems to be made more apparent this time of year. As we reach out to others to lift them up, because we feel that Christmas spirit.
6. My church. Learn more about what I believe.
7. 4 day weekends, and Snow. You really can’t get more lucky than having it snow on a 4 day weekend. It means no days added to the end of the school year, and you can play with the kids outside, in the freshly powdered earth.
8. The USA and our veterans. I have incredible gratitude for our soldiers. Past and present – as well as their families who give their husbands, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, etc. You are wonderful. Thank you.
9. Warm clothes and leggings. Not to start controversy over leggings, I like the kind that just cover my calfs, and go under my legs. Pretty sure they kept me from turning into a popsicle one day.
10. A new Day. Because every day we wake up, we have the choice to start fresh and new. To let go of our past, and move into our future. New days are AWESOME!
11. My wonderful husband. I married a pretty great man. He loves his kids, he loves his job, and he loves me.
12. My parents. I feel such gratitude to these two I get to call Mom and Dad. They have always been my team. From coach, to cheerleader. I sure miss them this year, but they’re only a phone call, or google hangout away.
13. Good books. Puh-lease! Life is just better with good books. Don’t forget you can enter to win some of my favorites in the Holiday Gift Guide!
14. My mom – baking skills. I love my parents as a team, but also separately, because they are individuals. My mom taught me to cook. She expected me to learn the basic skills of feeding a family. How very grateful I am for that when I look in my cupboard and see jars of jelly I made, or the fresh bread cooling on the counter.
15. Our home. Oh how grateful I am that we have a home to live in right now. We moved to North Dakota with no place to live. After a few nights in the hotel, I truly am grateful for this place.
16. Reliable car. Earlier this year, we were able to purchase a new/used car. Our van was dieing. We didn’t know we’d face unemployment, and then a huge move to North Dakota. Our van would not have made it.
17. Snowy days, hot chocolate, and childhood memories. When you combine these 3 items, life couldn’t be much better. At least not for me. I am grateful that I have good childhood memories, and that things as simple as a mug of cocoa while the snow falls can bring those memories back.

18. Kids playing nicely. Truly, this is a blessing everyday it happens. Kids don’t always play nice, but I want them to be best friends.
19. School. This year I decided to go back to school. I love WGU, because I can go to school completely online. That means I can still put my family first, but still pursue something that will both enrich my life, and my families.
20. My Dad. November also brings my dad’s birthday. I love this man so much, and could not have asked for a better father. He’s always been there for me, and I know he always will be. Warning, only watch the below video if you don’t mind seeing me cry.
21. Amazing Friends and the Lord. We have moved a ton in our married life. Growing up, making friends was not easy for me. Yet every time we have moved, there has been someone who almost instantly became a friend, to both me and my kids. Krystal, Laura, Jennifer – thank you all for touching my families life! Along with this, is that I know the Lord has helped in putting these ladies in my life. They are all friends from church, with kids almost exactly the same ages as my own kids, with a similar view on life as my own. These friends have helped me through some rough patches, and never judged.
22. childhood neighbor. I had an elderly neighbor growing up. She became almost like a mom to me. She hired me to care for her home, one year, and for the next 2-3 years that’s what I did. She taught me how to wax wood floors, trusted me at 12 with her riding lawnmower, as well as her beloved pets when she went on vacations. Until this year I didn’t think I’d use those skills for anything but my own home. However, recently I’ve been able to pick up side work cleaning homes for others, and being able to contribute to our family’s needs.
23. Pie. Ya’ll, I love pie. So let’s say thanks for all we have, and go enjoy some good old fashioned pie!
A wonderful list of gratitude… I am thankful to have such a wonderful blogging friend.. you. Happy Thanksgiving.