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Today I would just like to tell you –
Happy Valentines Day
Cherish those close to you. Give of yourself today, so your children will never question that you love them. Disregard the angry words spoken in the past and start anew.
I know there are many nay-sayers to this day of love. They argue we should love and show love every day of our lives. True. But why not have a day where we can really focus on that. A day to truly remember and focus on our love. Every day of the year should be special, but we often get lost in the hustle and bustle of life. Today allows us to slow down and remember.
So online friends, I wanted this to be kept short and sweet. Get offline, and go shower you family with love.

Cute post! My littlest bubs is in bed and hubby is working hard for our family…but in a little bit I'm taking an extra long bath with a book! Hope you are enjoying this night with your family 🙂
Those heart candles are so cute!!
My husband and I never really celebrated Valentine's day, but since having kids it's nice to do sweet things for them! Also, that letter photo is awesome!
Very cute candles!! Thanks for sharing!!