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This weeks Topic
Fall vs Autumn
What do you call it? Is it fall or is it Autumn?
Me, I intermingle the two. Neither of them really sound right to me. I feel if I call it Fall, I’m being laid back, and not educated enough. However, when I say Autumn, I feel like maybe I’m being a bit snooty.
Can’t we find some inbetween name to call this beautiful season? I’m thinking something like Fling…Ya know because we have Winter and Summer, we should have Spring and Fling.
Ok maybe not. That sounds a bit funny. So here is what I learned on my quest to figure out why the two names for one season.
It was originally called Harvest, because it is when the crops are harvested.
Around the 16th and 17th centuries, more people began living in cities, so Harvest had less meaning
Fall possibly came from the middle english term “Fall of the Leaf”
Autumn came from the Latin term autumnus
- Both Fall and Autumn have origins meaning to fall from a great height.
So basically, our neighbors across the pond like to use their high class Autumn, while us colonizers over here were just content with the simple Fall.
So all this to tell you how much I love this season! Fall, Autumn, or Harvest – whatever you call it, is the best season of the year! It’s this time of year, I dearly miss my beloved New England. The trees out here in the west just don’t compare. I won’t complain too much though. We still get the perfect chill in the air here. Allowing for the season change to bring a change not only outside, but inside the home as well. Blankets are pulled out, fireplaces prepped, and comfort foods planned.
As some take the time to slow down in the spring and smell the flowers, I’m inviting you to slow down and get cozy around your front room with your family.
Welcome Harvest!
PS I’m totally going to start calling it Harvest now, because I live in a small farming town, and Harvest has meaning here!
Next Week’s Topic
As a Child, What was one of your biggest Fears?
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Funny I never noticed that I said Autumn until I started blogging, and now I realize that the Brits say Autumn. I also say Aunt not ant. I'm wondering if being from New England means I got a bit of England in my up bringing?
Isn't it interesting how where we live can determine how we pronounce something? I blame my mixed upbringing (west and east coast) for the dilemma I find in what to say. I say Aunt if there is a name after it, but if I'm speaking in general I say Ant.
I'm always trying to figure out what to say. If I say words that I grew up saying, people don't know what I'm talking about but I've never really gotten into using Utah lingo. It also took me forever to learn what Utahans are talking about half the time too. Different part of the countries use different languages it seem. Now that I'm in Arizona, who knows what I will encounter.
Oh, and I think I usually say Fall because that is what my kids have learned in school over the years but I used to say Autumn all the time.
again you and me man.. ALWAYS on the SAME PAGE! lol