Inspire My Life “Women” Conference coming to St. George

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I’ve been itching to go to some kind of conference for about a year now. This past weekend we watched the 183rd Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love listening to my spiritual leaders (prophets and apostles), give us direction. I always come away feeling more inspired and motivated to become a better person.  This conference though is one we watch at home on the television set (of course I could go to the conference center, but that gets crowded!)
I was so excited to hear about another conference coming up this weekend:

Inspire My Life: Women


Excitement was kicking in,  I started making plans for my kids, and thinking of inviting my sister in law to come with me. Then I looked at the calendar. It would happen to fall on a Saturday that I can’t go (furthering Mark’s career, an equally good thing to be doing). When you ask?
Why it’s THIS SATURDAY: April 13th, 9am to 6pm
And how much does it cost, you ask?  Well, that’s the best part because IT’S FREE!!!!
You really can’t beat that!  Can you?  Well, they can!
Although it is free to attend they are asking for donations to the Dove Center – a crisis center that benefits women effected by rape and domestic violence. So you can go and enjoy free of charge some inspiring music from people like Katherine Nelson (played Emma Smith in the Jospeh Smith movie) and Charley Jenkins. Then listen to motivational speakers David Christensen and Vickey Pahnke Taylor. 
Or you can also go, free of charge, but know you did some good by donating to the Dove Center. Not only will you be edifying yourself at this conference, you’ll also be making difference in the lives of many women.

Wait though, they even went further!!  The 999th person to register online will win a Girlfriends Getaway package to Green Valley Spa in St George. 

If I haven’t convinced you to go yet, check out this music video from one of the performers

If you can’t make it to this Conference, check out the list of future conferences: some for teens, some for couples, and some for parents.

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