How to Keep Your Family Healthy This Winter

4 practical tips to keep your family healthy this winter.

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How to Keep Your Family Healthy This Winter

4 practical tips to keep your family healthy this winter.

Snow, hot chocolate, and sledding are all things we associate with the cold winter months. Runny noses, chills, and hacking coughs are also all things that we, unfortunately, associate with the winter season. Having the flu or a cold of any kind puts a damper on a season that’s supposed to be fun and filled with joy. Don’t let your family fall victim to the sickness and illness of the winter season this year. Here are a few tips to keep your family healthy this winter.

Eat consciously

Keep your family healthy this winter and eat consciously.

Being out in the cold weather weakens your immune system. So you need to make sure that everyone’s immune system is strengthened to make up for the cold weather. This starts with making sure that everyone in the family is eating a little bit healthier. The cold season is often filled with sugary sweets and candy, which makes this task even harder. You may not be able to completely eliminate these treats, but you can add extra vitamins and vegetables to counteract the sugar.

Try adding an extra vegetable at every single meal during the day. Add bell peppers to your scrambled eggs at breakfast, or slice an avocado to eat atop your toast. At lunch, add a few different vegetables to your sandwich, such as cucumbers or sprouts. At dinner, try to make at least a third of the plate be vegetables.

Try one of these sandwiches

If you and your family have a hard time finishing your dinner greens, experiment with new ways to season them! Try roasting vegetables like broccoli, brussels sprouts, and asparagus, in the oven with a little balsamic vinegar and garlic. Or sautee green beans or snap peas with butter and an all-purpose seasoning mix. Packing your diet with vegetables will give you the vitamins and minerals that your body needs, in the purest form.


Keep things clean

Germs live all over your home, in places you wouldn’t think to look. Make sure you routinely clean all of these germ homes, to keep your chances of catching a virus low.

Switch plates, phones, keyboards, remote controls, doorknobs, faucets, and your car steering wheel are all places you should start cleaning more regularly, that you probably don’t think of! You can use a disinfectant cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth to displace those germs. This link has useful tips for effectively cleaning common surfaces of your home.

Keep your family healthy this winter.

Immune supplements

Even cleaning up germs and eating more vegetables alone isn’t going to keep the flu from plaguing your home over these last few months of winter. To really boost your immune system and help keep you and your whole family healthy, consider adding a few immune boosting supplements into your daily diet.

Simple things like vitamin c, vitamin d, zinc, and elderberry will help keep you all sniffle-free. These are all best when found naturally in food sources, but taking a multivitamin in the morning will help keep you feeling a little bit better until we have a little more daily access to the sun. Cooking with lots of garlic will also help boost your immune system, as long as your family is okay with a little bit of garlic breath!

Related post: Health Benefits of a Pineapple Turmeric Cleanser

Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated and keep your family healthy this winter.

A hydrated body is a healthy body. When it’s not as hot outside, people tend to forget how important it is to drink lots of water throughout the whole day.

Carry around a water bottle with you throughout the day, to help you remember to drink enough water. You can also set up reminders on your phone to remember to drink all day long. Make sure to have a brimming glass of water with every meal as well, even if you’re drinking other things with your meal.

Hydration is even more important if you do find yourself sick. Fevers will dehydrate you quickly, as well as vomiting which is all too common with the flu. Staying hydrated will help you recover quickly and keep you from getting sick again this season. Taking a steamy shower or bath will also help your body get rid of some of the sickness and gunk making its home in your body, and be more ready to be hydrated. Even just sitting in a steamy bathroom will open up your airways and help you feel healthier.


Guest Author Christine Hill.

6 thoughts on “How to Keep Your Family Healthy This Winter

  1. Hello!
    It is a common misconception that we, as humans, are all mortal. The truth is, we are all mortal each one of us. All of us need to take care of ourselves. And its not the healthiest thing to do in winter, but that doesnt mean you cant do it. Its never too early to start making sure your family is healthy. Here are a few things to keep in mind this winter:

    ” Keep your house heated correctly: heat your house right and you will keep it warm and comfortable for everyone who lives there (even if they arent cold). Make sure that the heaters use natural sources of fuel and cleanly dispose of them properly, both on and off the property.

    ” Keep your home dry: water damage can be hard on anything (including your home) so make sure you keep your home dry so nothing gets damaged when there is a freeze or flood. Currently, many people are still dealing with their own water issues (whether from a leaky toilet or a burst pipe) so dont forget about them either!

    ” Clean out the gutters: no one wants to see these running down their front lawns in wintertime so make sure you keep them clean. You dont need to be too expensive around here but make sure you get everything done so nothing gets ruined or falls into the streets (it can happen).

    ” Keep yourself safe during winter season: wear proper clothing when outside during winter time and use common sense (never go outside without proper gear like mittens or boots). Keep yourself safe by checking with friends first before venturing outside during cold weather (if you have kids, make sure they arent out alone but also make sure they have proper gear too). Having said all this though, dont forget that its supposed to be very cold at times! For more information on how well house keeping fits into our family lifestyle check out this post How Well Do You Fit Into Our Family Lifestyle?
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  2. Make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Bring warm weather gear such as jackets and hats, and make sure your family knows how to use it in case of an emergency.

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