Ladies Night Out Parenting Tricks #mompactLNO

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Last week I attempted to have a Ladies Night Out/bring the kids Halloween Party. I’ve never really done the whole ladies night out thing. I would love to have a group of gals to get together with to chat and be adults with for a bit, but my kids and family are my life.
Whoops, I’m digressing from the point. So I planned a party, and had lots of treats and stuff to give out.

Sadly, no one showed up.  They really missed out on some great treats (seriously, not one person that said they’d come, showed up, what’s up with that?!)

So what did I do? I threw a party on my facebook page of course!  That’s just how I roll!  We had so much fun over there, and we gleaned mom tricks from the old moms and young moms. Plus I got to give out a bunch of prizes, which come on? who doesn’t love that?

Tricks from Moms
These are the winning tips from my facebook party
I asked and you answered
How do you travel light with a baby?

“Front pack, blanket, iPhone or other app device for music and distraction. Two-three small toys that can be linked together with play links. Then the diaper bag/back pack packed depending on how long and where. Usually one change of clothes, extra socks, and diapers/wipes for the day. If I am traveling and can plan places to stay/eat then I can accommodate food and sleep needs with their amenities.” – Robin M.

 Check out diaper buds for short day trips, and something small to slip in your purse!

What are your favorite kid friendly meals and snacks?

“I am a HUGE fan of WowButter in this house it is great for lunches and it is dairy, gluten and nut FREE! Not to mention tastes, looks and smells exactly like peanut butter!” – Eschelle (mumfection)

Space Food Sticks are a great chocolate protein bar for an on the go snack and boost!

What are your potty training Tips?

“A timer so it’s not mommy and daddy telling them to go party instead every time the timer goes off see if they want to try and go potty…also talk up how awesome going potty in the potty is!” – Renee P.

Tidy Tots helps keep those potty training potties clean and ready to go every time!

What tricks help you stay organized?

“I like to set out to do only a couple chores a day that I know I can accomplish so within a week I have all the chores done!” – Kelsea Y.

With cold and flu season coming on, what do you do to keep your family healthy?

“Ohhh essential oils, definitely! And of course frequent hand washing, sufficient rest, and drinking water.” – Hannah J.

Boogie Wipes are great for keeping those little noses crust free.

Finally, I asked what moms favorite things are to do on a Ladies Night Out

“Eat out and just laugh and talk!” – Rebekah W.

Besides giving out the amazing products I mentioned here to the winners, I also awarded a Penalty Pal, Kissaboo, and ToothBands to 3 of my party goers! We love these products here, and hope you all do too. Thanks for partying with us. Sadly, we couldn’t get all crafty on our facebook party, but my kids sure had fun.

You still have a few days to win all these prizes and more from Mompact!

3 thoughts on “Ladies Night Out Parenting Tricks #mompactLNO

  1. this was a great alternative!! way to go! And, while I am sad that nobody showed at your party, I can relate b/c this has happened to me before! So I am glad I'm not the only one!! šŸ™‚ You did a good turnaround tho!! I will have to keep 'Facebook party' in mind for future no-shows! šŸ™‚

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