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You never know when an emergency could strike close to home. Get out and meet your neighbors today.
When you see emergency vehicles at your neighbors house, what do you do? You don’t actually know them. You wish you did because you want to be the kind of neighbor that knows everyone and is there to help. Whether it be borrowing a cup of sugar, or running them to the hospital. I want to know my neighbors, and I want them to know me.
That happened here last week. Mark was home and outside playing in the snow with Lincoln. He saw the ambulances come and thought it was at our one neighbor’s home who we do know pretty well. The two homes look very similar, which on our street of old homes is unique. He yelled for me to come out. Thinking I should run over and see what happened.
When we realized it wasn’t the neighbor we knew, we just kind of stood there. Now what? Should we still check on them? See if there was anything we could do as a neighbor? We knew absolutely nothing about this neighbor, yet we felt compelled to do something. So I called our friend who lives right next door and asked if she knew anything. She did, but not much. She’s an older single woman. Her kids all live out of the state. She was sitting up and talking to the Medics.
Since she left in the ambulance there really wasn’t anything we could do. Except wait, and wonder if I could have been a better neighbor. So I turned to my awesome friends, who haven’t moved around as often as I, and asked if they knew their neighbors and what their best tips were for getting to know their neighbors.
Be the first to make contact. When you see someone moving in, don’t wait for them to introduce themselves, go say hi! Offer to help unload the truck, or bring by some dinner. If you are the one moving in, don’t wait for your neighbors to stay hi first. Once the move in has settled, head on over and introduce yourself!
Service. Service is my favorite way to meet new people, but it never has to be a big production. Helping rake leaves, shovel snow, or running their newspaper up to the porch are just a few simple tips we can all do, and will help you meet those neighbors. One day we noticed our neighbor who we’ve not actually met, but know lives alone – yes it would appear most of our neighbors are single women – had newspapers collecting at the bottom of her drive. I sent the kids over to carry them up to her porch. She didn’t answer the door, possibly they didn’t knock either, but now we feel a slight connection to her.
Neighborhood Party! This is probably my favorite idea ever! Once we get warmer temps I think we’ll plan a neighborhood party. We have the backyard for it. It’s a great reason to go knocking on your neighbors doors too!
HeartAttack. Similar to t.p.’ing, but more likely received with more joy on both ends. I love this idea Amber from Busy Creating Memories shared with me. Write nice notes to your neighbor and tape them all over their garage, front door, etc. It could be a welcome to the neighborhood, or “hey we’d love to get to know you more and these are the things we’ve noticed about you”!
Get Outside and Be Seen. This was the 2nd most frequent answer from my friends. Spend time outdoors. Let your neighbors see you. Say hi whenever you can. If your neighbor has kids invite them to play with yours. I know I need to be better with this one!
Bring Cookies. The number one answer given by friends online was to bring cookies! No one turns down a plate of cookies, and you really need no excuse to bring them over. So bake up some cookies, and take them over. Maybe whip up a little “Neighbor Card”, to include your phone number and house number so if they ever want to call or stop by but can’t remember which house you said you lived in – I can’t tell you how many times people tell me where they live, and have it not stick in my brain – they have it handy!
When leaving for book club last night I saw a car parked and lights on at the “ambulance home”, so I think I’ll bake up some cookies and go introduce myself.
I know my neighbors who walk dogs, but not very many others. I feel lucky because our neighbors are mostly original to the neighborhood (the 1960s) and so they are very friendly. This summer we want to make more effort to get to know our neighbors though and these are great tips!
That is awesome Autumn! I love older neighborhoods. We live in one too, but it seems most that are still here, are single older women who live alone. I have a lot of cookies I need to start baking and taking around.
neighbors come and go.. just like ours they would only stay for less than a year den balhin napod den lain napod mubihlan..its tiring, I hate the new one that just move recently not bec of them but their dogs.. We can’t go near the fence I’m afraid that the dog will jump out the fence and bite my kid its a pretty big naughty pit bull..
ACK I had so many tabs open in my browser that I LOST this post and just realized I never commented on it from Friday Frivolity… huge apologies!!
You have great ideas about getting to know your neighbors, Adelina! Such good advice, and I hope to put some of it to use myself really soon. 🙂
Thanks for linking up at Friday Frivolity — pinning and tweeting, and hoping to see you back really soon! 🙂
Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom recently posted…Friday Frivolity Valentine’s Day Edition – Love and Cynicism! ;P Plus the Linky Party for All Things Fun, Funny, Happy & Hopeful!
Awe, thanks for coming back, Sarah!
I love this post! We do know some of our neighbors, but I wish we knew more of them. We actually (at hubby’s urging and baking) made cookies and delivered them to some of the neighbors we do know a couple of months ago. We should do that again and reach out to new (or new-to-us) neighbors.
You definitely should!
I know my neighbors, but my parents aren’t far & I would definitely go there before my neighbors – mostly because every single one of my neighbors are over 70.
What great ideas. I know the neighbors on either side and one house over, but that is it… and we have lived here for over 5 years. LOL. I need to get on the ball. Thanks for the push.
I find myself wishing that I lived in a neighborhood like when I was a child. Everybody was outside everybody was playing and everybody knew their neighbors. To this day I can still name off who lived in one house. Nowadays I don’t even know my next-door neighbors name.
Jeanette recently posted…Tips for Cleaning Quickly & a Spring Cleaning Checklist
I haven’t been to a block party since I was a kid. So much fun and such great food. What a great idea!
Melissa recently posted…Shepherd’s Pie
I never really thought about it before. There are always the neighbors you know because they are outside a lot walking by and you say hi. Then there are the ones that you don’t cross paths with very often because they are always busy, or you are. I’ll have to bake up some cookies! 😉
Dawn Lopez recently posted…5 Personal Sanity Savers for Tax Time
You are so right about this. Out of nowhere, 3 of our neighbors are moving all at once. After living next to one another 7 years (longer for them) and I don’t know ANY of them. I’m going to introduce myself to the new people.
I live out in the country, so we only have one neighbor. We do know our neighbor very well too. Everyone seems to get a long pretty well. I think it’s always nice to get to know your neighbors.
I moved into a condo a few years ago and it has been a great experience. I have met most of mu neighbors and everyone looks out for each other. We have happy hour at the pool every Friday night.
It is so important to get to know your neighbors. They can be a great support system when you need one. I have great neighbors.
Love these ways of getting to know your neighbors! We do a monthly neighborhood get togethers. It really helps us to get to know everyone.
I think this is such a great idea! In an emergency you need to know you can rely and trust whomever it is you need assistance from, so knowing and being known is so important!
Such a great idea! EVERYONE should do this! Being neighborly pays off in more ways than one, for sure!
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We know our neighbors pretty well. They are like family. We do a lot to help each other out. I can definitely understand the importance of a trustworthy relationship.
I’ve brought cookies and baked goods to my neighbors many times. I don’t seem to get them back though…lol.
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Great article! Thank you for all the work you put in!