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I’m linking up with Organizing Junkie as I plan our menu’s this month!
We are trying to get on top of our finances, and I noticed our grocery budget had gone up a fair amount the last month. So in order to give us a little more breathing room, this month I’ve decided to eat out of our food storage. Yes we’re those people that like to stockpile on the food. Sadly though our food storage hasn’t always been a large priority either, so it’s a little skimpy. This months meals are going to be innovative, and hopefully tasty!
I will still buy certain basics, but it should cut our grocery bill at least in half (milk, bread, cheese).
Monday – Pasta and Breadsticks
Tuesday – Rice and beans
Wednesday – Tacos
Thursday – Food Storage Lasagna
Friday – Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Saturday – Leftovers
The one thing this food storage living is going to make me do is Menu Plan! It will be very hard to try and throw something together last minute out of our food storage. It is going to take some creative thinking
If anyone has any good Bean recipes, I could sure use them! We have probably close to 100 lbs of dried beans.
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