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Dear family and friends,
This year we did not send out cards or even a Christmas letter. We’ve always been pretty good at this, but this year has been an interesting one. So forgive me for writing to you so publicly. Next year I hope to be more on top of things.
We began 2014 settling nicely in Provo, UT. We really enjoyed living so close to our families again, and had a lot of fun getting together with my parents, and some of Mark’s siblings.
Mark went through a couple different jobs this year, but after much prayer, and temple attendance we found a new teaching opportunity in North Dakota. After a phone interview Trinity High School in Dickinson offered Mark the music teaching position. We had a week to pack our things in August and move before school started. Getting back into the teaching and music world has been wonderful.
Adelina (HI!) has been working hard blogging (and if you’re reading this letter, well…welcome to my blog!). She has turned it into a business and feels great she can bring a bit of income into the home. With the success of Home Maid Simple, she decided to go back to school and get a degree in marketing. Thanks to Western Governors University, she is able to do this on her own schedule and completely from home.
Princess V turned 8 this year. We really enjoyed having family visit for her baptism. Mom and Dad are very proud of the decision she made to get baptized. Princess V is in 2nd grade now, and doing wonderfully. She has made many friends at school and church, and really loves going to Activity Days.
Princess C is in 1st grade and loves it! Going to school, making friends, and learning so many new things. She is a natural scholar. This year Princess C got to play Gretl in the Sound of Music at Trinity. She and Mark had a lot of daddy daughter bonding time as they spent many nights practicing. She has amassed a bit of her own fan club among the high school kids as well. Princess C is full of love and she shows it to everyone.
Princess R has been hard at work learning her letters this year. She seems to get numbers a bit better. My favorite though, is when she mixes up X and S while singing the alphabet. Her goal is to learn all the letters so Mom will take her to lunch at McDonalds. We’ve been getting letters to start kindergarten registration, and I’m just not sure I’m ready. She is a social butterfly though and I know will thrive with other kids around. She also loves taking selfies with my phone.
Prince L turned 2 this year. He talks very well, loves giving hugs, and has a thing for trains. Living in Provo we were right next to the tracks, and now in Dickinson we are again pretty close to the trains. He loves listening to their whistles blow. Recently he has branched out to loving tools as well though. His favorite shows are Bob the Builder, and Chuggington.
It has been a year full of adventures for our family. We know that we are blessed though. As we continue to look to our Father in Heaven, and put our trust in Him, things have turned out alright. North Dakota has been a blessing to our family, as we’ve learned to love each other closer, be grateful for the things we have, and most especially for the friendships we get to make. May you all feel the spirit of Christ this season and throughout the year to come!
All our love,
The Priddis’
Merry Christmas Adelina it has been quite a year for all of you. I wish you and your family health and prosperity in the coming year.
Thank you Diane!