Movie Night with The Dark Knight

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Movie Night with Orville Redenbacher's, M&M's®, and Warner Bros. #MovieNight4Less #ad
Most nights, we put the kids to bed, and then veg in front of our favorite TV shows. It’s almost like we have a date night every night, but it’s more just decompressing from life, without real connection. I was so excited when I found Walmart had a movie night display with Orville Redenbacher’s, M&M’s®, and Warner Bros. movies on promo sale. It was time to up our TV night to a Movie Night! 
Movie Night for Less at Select Walmart locations #MovieNight4Less #ad

Only available at these select stores until 11/24
There were a lot of good choices, like The Notebook and Forest Gump, but I knew Mark would really enjoy watching The Dark Knight. A couple weeks ago Mark was working late, so I made us a special dinner to eat without the kids, so I wanted to do something similar again. A night, just for us, that wasn’t our usual. 
Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn and the theater boxes of M&M’s® were just the inspiration I needed for our movie night. I actually got the idea for these Special Dark Brownies when I was debating about getting Forest Gump. It was an easy transition to the Dark Knight though. 
The Dark Knight's Special Dark Brownies with M&M's® #MovieNight4Less #ad
For these brownies, you’ll need your favorite brownie mix, your favorite flavor M&M’s® (we used peanut butter), yellow and brown Peanut M&M’s®, and Special Dark Chocolate chips. 
Whip up your brownie batter, then fold in your favorite M&M’s®. If you’re not using a box mix, add the M&M’s® with the flour. Pour in a pan, and bake according to your recipe’s directions. 
Mix in M&M's® to brownie batter for a special treat #MovieNight4Less #ad
Let cool for about 5-10 minutes. Then cut into bite size pieces, place on parchment lined cookie sheet, and stick in the freezer. 
While those freeze, you want to melt the Special Dark Chocolate. I find the best way is in a double boiler. Don’t have a double boiler? That’s OK, neither do I! I made my own with a couple of my pots that stack almost perfectly together,
Make your own double boiler!
Fill the bottom pan about 1/3-1/2 full with water. Place the top pan over and add chocolate chips. Turn heat on medium/low. This needs constant watching and stirring to avoid burning. Once the chocolate is sufficiently melted, remove from the heat. 
Pull your brownies from the freezer, and pour your chocolate over the tops. I used a rubber spatula to help spread it around the sides for a more even look. Before the chocolate sets, add your brown and yellow M&M’s® to the tops. Voila The Dark Knights own Special Dark Brownies!
We couldn’t make something for Batman without making sure he had some evil to fight. So just as The Dark Knight has his nemesis, these Special Dark Brownies have their own – The Joker’s Sriracha Popcorn. 
The Jokers Sriracha Popcorn #MovieNight4Less #ad
I keep seeing Sriracha around, and then my brother even was telling me I had to try it. So I bought a bottle. WOW! If you haven’t tried it yet, phew, that was the perfect nemesis to these incredibly sweet brownies. 
You thought those brownies were fairly easy right? This is going to be even better! Grab yourself a bag of Orville Redenbacher’s Popcorn, some green candy melts, and Sriracha sauce. I love the Orville Redenbacher’s because the bag turns into an awesome bowl. I got, count with me now, 1 dish and 1 spoon dirty in the making of this. No joke (ha, see what I did there…?). 
Right, moving on. Pop that bag of popcorn. Try not to snack on it just yet. Now grab your candy melts. It’s important these are green, because come on, that’s one of The Joker’s colors. Pour a handful or two into a mug. Microwave for 30 seconds. Stir. Microwave again. Stir again. Do that until they are melted. It doesn’t take very long at all. Now pour over the popcorn, in the bag. Give it a little stir, or shake, just to really get it all around. 
Now, grab that bottle Sriracha. Drizzle it over the top. Trust me, you just want this over the top. It will make it’s way throughout the bag on it’s own. 
Jokers Sriracha Popcorn #MovieNight4Less #ad
These will put a smile on your face the natural way. No need for elaborate story telling, or holding anyone hostage. 
Mark and I really enjoyed a night that was more put together. I really couldn’t leave well enough alone though, so on top of it all, I grabbed a couple extra boxes of M&M’s® to enjoy as well.
M&M's®, Orville Redenbacher's, and Warner Bros. The Dark Knight make for a perfect #MovieNight4Less #ad
Keep up with M&M’s®, Orville Redenbacher’s and Warner Brothers Entertainment on their social media channels for more great #MovieNight4Less ideas! For sure Mark and I will be doing more of these nights!
Orville Redenbacher’s
Warner Brothers Entertainment
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