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I received My First Book of Hockey for review. All opinions are 100% my honest thoughts.
This year we have loved getting into the Sports Illustrated for Kids series. We’re back with the latest seasonal book, My First Book of Hockey! Kids and adults who love this contact sport will enjoy perusing the book before heading out to a game.
I can’t honestly say where my love for the game of hockey came from. Growing up we spent most of our time playing baseball as a family, and attending baseball games. Whether they were for my brothers, or my own softball games, along with the occasional professional game. I remember those moments clearly.
Hockey, however, holds no memories that I can recall. Perhaps it was because my first middle school crush was on a guy who played the sport. Though, I never watched him play. Never attended any games. The closest I probably ever got to seeing hockey played was on the television, and maybe a few sticks being thrown around the frozen ponds we would skate on over the winter months.
I did, and still today, know more about the game of Hockey then I do Football. I also watch football more than hockey, but can not for the life of me understand anything other than the score. Give me hockey any day, and suddenly my heart is racing and I’m cheering for the teams. I’m in the game when it comes to hockey. So despite my lack of memories on how I came to love hockey, I’m thrilled to share the sport with my kids through another, easy to follow, book.
My youngest two, Rosalina and Lincoln especially got into the book with me. They thought the Goalie’s mask was the coolest, and were just as excited about the teams making a score as if we were actually at a game. Perhaps this year, to add to our gifts of experience, we’ll find a local hockey game to check out.
Do you love Hockey? One lucky reader will win a copy of My First Book of Hockey: A Rookie Book by Sports Illustrated for Kids plus 2 Hockey Reading Buttons! Open to US 18+ Ends 1206/2016