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Well I forgot to get my after post up of our kitchen last month, and still haven’t even posted it! I promise a full post on the kitchen is coming a litte later this week, with before and after shots!But before it gets too late again, I wanted to show you my Before and after project for the month of February.The Nursery! That’s right, baby Prince is due in 2 months, so it’s time to get the nursery all set up. For the last, oh 4 months, the nursery has been used as a store all room. If I didn’t know what to do with something it got tossed in there.
I’ve tossed out a few boxes of garbage already. Gone through many more boxes, and still have some more to do. Amazingly I found a box of checks, so I don’t have to order any more! I knew I had some somewhere.
My biggest problem is that I’ve begun just moving things from one room to another. Since we put Princess R in the same room with her sisters, we had another “empty” room. So most of the items from here, have been moved to another store all room. One day I’ll have the energy and vision to get it all completely organized.
Our plans for the nursery are fairly simple. Although the multi-colored walls did grow on us, we will be painting them all the same color – blue. We purchases some blue curtains for the windows with a gift card my sisters gave us for Christmas. I got some blue argyle bins to store diapers and other baby items.
One of my favorite traditions, though, is the puzzle. Mark and I pick a puzzle out for each of our kids. We put it together, glue it, and frame it to hang in their room. We are both pretty excited for the baseball puzzle we purchased for this room. Once the painting it done, we’ll set up a card table in the nursery to get it put together out of the Princesses reach.
We still need to find a dresser, and possibly a changing table. I’ve become pretty adept at changing babies on the floor though, so it’s not really a need. I can’t think of anything else we need, but I’m sure once the room starts coming together I’ll be adding more.
Oh this nursery is going to be adorable! I love the puzzle idea – that is so sweet that you do it together! Looking forward to seeing the room and the baby who will sleep in there!
It is really hard when you're child reflects back to your own negativity. You are receptive enough to see that it is coming from you and that you have the power to change your attitude. It looks like you have an excellent plan. You might want to get your daughter's input too. Her attitude will change more quickly the more she is involved in the house fix up. Lastly, give yourself a break… being pregnant and taking care of littles ones is a lot of stress… redoing a house on top of this is enough to push anyone over the edge.