Patriotic Rag Wreath

Show your Patriotism with this Patriotic Rag Wreath

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Be proud to be an American, and hang a Patriotic Rag Wreath on your door this summer. So easy, even small hands can get involved making it.

Show your Patriotism with this Patriotic Rag Wreath

I saw this awesome Rag Wreath over at Sassy Sanctuary, and just had to make one.  She actually makes a lot of stuff that I want to someday make, but for now we’ll start with the wreath. I had all the materials on hand, and knew I could pop it out easy peasy!  The only thing I needed to buy was the wire frame which Amazon sells, or you can check out your local craft stores. 

Start by cutting the fabric in strips measuring 1″ by 6″. Any smaller and they won’t fluff out as nicely. too long and they’ll look droopy.
1x6 inch fabric strips for a Rag Wreath
Using a simple knot, tie the strips around the wreath. Depending on the fabric you chose, you can make it a pattern to look more Flag like with the blue and stars on one side and striped red and white around, or scatter the colors around for a more mixed look like I have. 
Tie fabric in knots to make a Rag Wreath
Of course, you have to have a little fun while crafting, right? It really makes the perfect picture frame with Nana.
Have fun crafting a Patriotic Rag Wreath
Finally, add a longer strip of fabric or some coordinating ribbon to the back of your frame. Hang it on your door for all visitors and passersby to enjoy! You now have a Patriotic Rag Wreath that will never go out of style.
Leave it up all year, or pull it out whenever you’re feeling especially patriotic. Enjoy your 4th of July!
Share your countries pride with a Patriotic Rag Wreath. So easy the kids can help out!

Made this project? Share a photo with me over on Facebook!

 Originally published June 11, 2011.

10 thoughts on “Patriotic Rag Wreath

  1. This wreath would be perfect for my front door! I made something similar when I was little using a coat hanger and tissue paper and my mom proudly hung it every Christmas. I think the fabric and an actual wreath wire makes it look so much prettier than mine lol. I’ll have to recreate this for all of the holidays to keep my door looking festive.
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