Potty Training with White Cloud Luxuriously Soft

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This post brought to you by White Cloud. All opinions are 100% mine.
A funny thing happened recently. We’ve been trying and trying to potty train Princess R, but somewhat unsuccessfully. She would have a great day and I’d think “Yes we got this!”, only to follow it up with a day I wanted to buy more pull ups.
Then, last week we started trying out White Cloud Luxuriously Soft Bath Tissue. I kid you not, suddenly Princess  R is going to the potty, only having accidents because it takes time to get that underwear down and up onto the potty. She stopped fighting us, and became suddenly aware of her body.
Now, can I really credit this success to White Cloud? I don’t know. Maybe. I would say it’s partly due to their Luxurious Soft Bath Tissue though. Let me tell you why in my first ever Video Review!

Now, incase you don’t want to watch me talk about Toilet Paper, here’s a little recap for you –
+ Princess R’s skin was drying out pretty bad when we put her in cotton undies and tossed the pull-ups. When we switched to White Cloud, her skin softened up again. I believe the comfort from this Luxuriously Soft Bath Tissue helped aid in potty training Princess R.
+ I too have very sensitive skin and as a kid would break out with the wrong type of toilet paper. It makes me a bit of a snob when buying Toilet Paper. I want quality, that’s inexpensive and leaves me rash free. White Cloud has done that for me.
+ This 2 ply Bath Tissue is strong, and stays together from the beginning of the roll to the end. No more TP strays hanging around the bathroom.
There you have it! Our family is making the switch to White Cloud Luxuriously Soft. Why not find out if it’s the right choice for you.  Get a $1.00 off coupon starting June 10th.
White Cloud makes premium paper products without the premium price! The new luxuriously soft bath tissue is made with an innovative manufacturing technology called TAD or  Through Air Dried. Using a special machine, air is blown through 1-ply sheets of toilet paper to create a 2-ply sheet. This explains how well the Bath Tissue holds up, while retaining it’s softness. White Cloud is sold exclusively at Walmart.  Find White Cloud products near you


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