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This is the room I was dreading! But I finally made it in, and am pretty happy with the results! I seem to have lost the before pictures, but take a look in your kids bedroom and I’m sure you can imagine what this looked like with 2 toddler girls living in it!
Under the bed everything went in boxes and then were labeled. We have blocks, trains, baby dolls, little dolls, and barbies
beds made and floor vacuumed!
toy drawers organized, but they still need labels – bottom has animals, middle has balls, and top is all the miscellaneous toys that don’t have a place.
books on the bookshelf, and dresser cleaned off.
shoes in a wonderful shoe rack from IKEA. large toys in closet, musical instruments out of reach!
Stuffed animals and only stuffed animals in the big bin. Dresses gone through, and too small ones removed.
Fun kitchen play area! I really like this area (although it’s hard for me to get in and clean) because it allows the Princess’ to pretend like they are really in their own kitchen, and their imagination flourishes!
The last thing I did in here that is not visible go through all the girls clothes and boxes of clothes. We put a box together for storage for Princess V, and then moved Princess V’s clothes to Princess C’s drawers, and then pulled out stored clothes for Princess V. It was lots of work, and sometimes had to be redone (I had some “little” help). But I am so excited for the organization in there. Last night, lots of toys were all over the place again, but because everything had a place, clean up was 3x’s as fast as it has ever been before!!!