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I personally love family game nights. My family could always, and still is found sitting around the dinner table playing games. Some of my favorites as a kid were scrabble, Parcheesi, clue, and snirts.
I’ve found it difficult to play games with my kids now, though, because of their age, and desire for more technology. Our oldest loves playing on the Wii, and at 6 years old, is pretty good at manipulating the remote. Our 4 year old loves computer games (we like starfall, and PBS kids). What I really love though is that they all like to play together. Even if they only play one at a time, they will gather around and watch and wonder when it will be their turn. I’m hoping to learn of some more kid friendly games that my kids can all play together, as well as ways to get the whole family in on some fun!
Do you have a family game night?