Salt Lake City Bees – Family Outing

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I love baseball! I can’t begin to describe my passion for baseball.  So when a friend said she had some extra FREE tickets to the Salt Lake City Bees Game, I couldn’t pass it up.  She wasn’t kidding either, she gave me 8 free tickets.  So of course I called my friend C to see if her family wanted to join us.  The catch was we had to use the tickets before the end of May, and last night was their last home game.  The girls really got into it, and we wore baseball caps (except me, somehow it got left at home, oh well.)  When we left it had been sunny, but the time we got into the stadium there was cloud cover, and wind.  Thankfully we had brought at least one blanket!
 I just love Princess C’s face here, haha! Just as I snapped the picture, her hat started falling off.
Princess R was enthralled with the game, and anything else like the slushies and cotton candy guy walking past. 
What’s a baseball game without a little souvenir?  Mark took Princess V for a walk, and they came back with this little Bee’s bat. She hardly let it go of it the rest of the game.
About the 7th inning the kids became restless, and cold.  The Bee’s were having a hard night, and Mark remembered he still had to work in the morning.  So we headed out.  It was perfect timing, because guess who we met on the way out?
BUMBLE the Bee! Princess V did not want to get anywhere near him, but we could not keep Princess C away. I think she may have snuck into a few pictures with other families.  
I truly believe that part of creating a happy home, is getting out of it with the family. When we focus on our family, and take the time to spend with our children, our home becomes one of joy.  I’m looking forward to more family outings this summer!
Just have to mention as well, I love the Bees, I root for them, since they are our local team, and we can actually go see them play.  I will always be a Boston Red Sox fan though.  No matter where I live, the Red Sox are my team!  And I am pleased to say that since marrying Mark I have turned him into a baseball fanatic, even more so than I am!

3 thoughts on “Salt Lake City Bees – Family Outing

  1. What a fun night. I went to a game once at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. It was very exciting to be there with all of the noise, smells and action. I'm glad you had such a wonderful afternoon.

  2. I love local baseball teams! We went to a Kane County Cougar game (suburbs of Chicago) last summer with our 6 y.o. and they had fireworks at the end of the game and we could even run the bases. Such fun!

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