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We had a very lazy Saturday! I took one Princess and did some grocery shopping, and Mark took the other 2 and got some school work done. Just before lunch a couple came over to look at our Breakfast Nook. They’ve just moved up here to go to college, and were in need of some furnishings. They were so sweet and friendly, and so in love with my breakfast nook. If I had to sell it (and I did have to) it was a couple that loved it like I did who I wanted to have it. YAY! So we made some money off of that, and Mark immediately decided he wanted some chairs for our new kitchen table. We’ve been using folding chairs. Besides being kind of ugly around a kitchen table, they weren’t all that comfortable or safe with kids climbing all over them. So I sent Mark to the local thrift store, Deseret Industries, to see what he could find. I suggested he look for a small couch as well to give us some seating in the family room.With only spending $10 more than we made off the table, he came home with some chairs that look like they were made for our table, and a corner piece from a couch sectional, that is extremely comfy!
i need to hit a place up like that for some dining room chairs mine are horrific and I only have two survivors left lol!