Sea-Band Review and Giveaway!

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Morning sickness, ugh. What is there to say about morning sickness? Personally I think they named it wrong, can we all agree to call it All day sickness? I think it’s a much more accurate description.  Of course, this is the first real experience I’ve had with All Day Sickness. I’d get bouts of nausea with Princesses, but nothing that lasted all day every day.  This pregnancy has been very different. For the last 2 almost 3 weeks now I’ve felt so sick. I haven’t gotten sick, but have you ever been to the point where you wish you could just be sick to get over the feeling of nausea? I’m far past that point now too!  I’d really like it to all just up and dissappear.
Then I heard about Sea-Band, the natural anti-nausea relief. It uses the ancient Chinese art of accupressure to pinpoint the spot on your wrist that will release natural chemicals that trigger the body’s  natural healing process.  In the past I probably would’ve scoffed at something like this. I just didn’t really think that one spot on my body could make a huge difference. I was at the point that I was going to try everything. I spent a few too many days laid out on the couch wishing that magically the kids would be fed, and the house would be clean, hahaha…still dreaming that. So like I was saying, I decided to give Sea-Band a try, and I am impressed.
The first day wearing them, I was a little worried because it’s a fairly thick piece of cloth on your wrist, and we have no A/C. I wasn’t fond of intentionally making my wrists hot and sweaty, but the nausea outweighed my heat discomfort. The first hour, I didn’t feel any different and my wrists were getting itchy from the heat, but I wanted to really give them a chance. After that hour, I almost forgot they were even on, and the nausea wasn’t nearly as bad. I could still feel a “disturbance” somewhere, but I had energy, and moving around actually was possible. I even wore them to playgroup that day. Which I do have a nice suggestion for the people at Sea-Band, could you make it a little more stylish? At times I felt I was on parole with these thick black wristbands. Of course I didn’t care too much about style though since they were working!
Now my dr did prescribe me some Zofran, which has also helped in the nausea relief department, but I’m pregnant, and my mind gets easily lost. So day 2 of wearing the Sea Band happened when at lunchtime I realized I had not taken any Zofran, and the nausea was setting back in big time. On went the Sea-Bands, and this time within 5 minutes I felt completely normal, and there was no itching either. Sweet!! I’m seriously loving these things!!
Sea-Band also makes some ginger gum to help relieve nausea. My personal experience, it had too much ginger in it, but it did help keep the nausea away.
Are you ready to win your own set of Sea-Bands and Ginger Gum? Great! Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below, and you’ll be entered to win!  Win it for yourself, or as a great gift for a pregnant friend.  Oh, did I mention, these will also help with carsickness?!

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