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Growing up my aunt and uncle had a breakfast nook in their kitchen. It was a small kitchen, and the table fit perfectly in the corner. I have so many fond memories of sitting at the table, eating saturday morning pancakes, making caramel apples, helping make Sunday dinner, and filling our school books out with my other aunt. With all the memories I knew one day I wanted a breakfast nook of my own. When we moved into this home, I could picture the nook, and all the memories we would make. Since we didn’t actually own a table, we started looking for a breakfast nook, and found one (that was an interesting story you can read about here).
The time has come, however to say goodbye to our breakfast nook. I learned that a breakfast nook is not for family dinners, and definitely not guest friendly! So we began our search once more for a perfect kitchen table. This time I was impulsive, and bought one without talking to Mark first. I was at Deseret Industries, when my eyes fell on the perfect (albeit slightly worn) table. It had no chairs, but it did have an extra leaf to extend it. Plus the price was more than right at $20!! Unfortunately it didn’t fit in the van with the kids, so I had to call Mark and ask him to pick it up sometime before they closed. Today we ate our first family meal on our new table. We all fit comfortably, and there was plenty of room to put hot dishes away from small hands.
**If anyone is looking for a breakfast nook, and lives in the vicinity of Utah, I have one for sale. They make some great memories!!
My oh MY $20, WOW. You are going to make so many wonderful memories around this table. I have the kitchen table that we ate at growing up and I love that I know where each of the scratches came from, one day your kids will know the story behind so of the scratches on your table…family memories build history.
Thanks for for always supporting me, you are dear to my heart.
Cha Cha
@Cha Cha
It had just been marked down from $30! I'm still just amazed that I found it, because things like this never last long enough to be marked down!
I absolutely love reading your posts, and Sentimental Sunday has become very dear to me, as I reflect on my wonderful blessings.
I love the breakfast nook! It's too bad there's not room for both, but I'm sure you will enjoy having the nice big table for your family.
@JuliaHaving room for both would be so ideal! Right now it's still getting some use in our bay window, but I miss that being my reading corner.